This is a lady named Ghosty, at least that's what she tells people to call her. She's never told anyone her real name, and she doesn't have much family, aside from her brother Stain. It's to be noted they are not blood related, they're just close like siblings.
Ghosty runs an underground rock show every weekend, a popular place for young people to just come and relax and hear her music, and even some people her own age who have known her music for awhile.
She is a neutral figure, not getting involved with the roles of heros and villains. In her place, the Sleepy Dragon, those roles dont exist anymore. She made special rules for entering this area:
1: you dont have to tell your name. This is a place for your enjoyment, be as comfortable as you want
2: no drugs, no booze. Kids are the primary people here, let them relax without being stressed out
3: no crime, no handcuffs. Hero work and Villain work is strictly banned here. If you get caught, you might not see the light of day again. Ghosty has quite the connections, and quite a few 'friends in sunglasses' that will gladly show you how to get the hell out
4: relax, but know your place. At the end of the day, This place belongs to Ghosty. She owns it, and she keeps it a free space for you. So be nice, and share. And understand you dont own the joint
Ghosty herself is laid back and clearly enjoys edibles, she used to be in a band called 'the Sleepin' dragons' before they split, which is why she named her place "the Sleepy Dragon". She's now a solo show, just herself, a gutair, and a mic. Shes just as good as any full band thanks to years and years of practice. She's a world famous song artist, and people come to Japan just to visit her spot
She has a quirk called "shadow banned", which is where she gets the name Ghosty. Among other things, like being able to fly and go through walls like a ghost, Ghosty can control a certain area that's marked by her DNA. The Sleepy Dragon is outlined by a thin string infused with her blood, both the building and main area. Anyone who is banned, can't step foot inside until the ban is lifted.
(Just two more things :3)
Ghosty obviously can't be everywhere at once, so she has her own security called 'the Friends in sunglasses', which are composed of reformed villains. Her brother, Stain, is head of security. The ex-leauge of villains (not AFO) work as security in exchange for a place to live and food to eat, as well as the freedom to live outside of normal society.
The Sleepy Dragon looks like a normal cafe on the outside, obviously with the title on the sign replacing Cafe
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When you walk inside, theres a normal laid back Cafe, and a stairway that leads underground to the area Ghosty performs. Its about the size of a soccer field, and is in a cave
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And at last, here's a picture of Ghosty herself
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Just someone who wants to help people chill and relax ^^ if you have anyone specific you wanna pair with her, go right ahead!