So as I already mentioned, Jupiter's home is largely based on Gerudo Town from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild :3 just in case you ever play that or would like more insight to the actual town
First up is fashion! The desert is very very hot after all, but that doesn't mean they wear nothing!
Normal outfits are typically the same with colors or patterns changed up, a top peice resembling a sports bra, puffy looking pants, and sandals. This is typically worn my merchants, stable workers, travelers ect. This is the base outfit As a bonus, guards match this for the most part, aside from the top being covered with armor and the pants being entirely white with no pattern
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Now obviously the Chief is special. The cheif always wears a blue skirt, and is typically the only one to wear a skirt, aside from her partner of course. This is not a law or anything, it's just become tradition after years and years. Clothing merchants do not make skirts for this reason, they only sell outfits with the puffy pants
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Now as a whole, jewelery is almost a given. Even the children wear jewelry. Most everything is made of the same fabric, a light, airy, and naturally cool fabric. It prevents severe sunburn and most heatsickness, so visitors are advised to buy at least one outfit. Some Chief's, Jupiter is one, don't wear shoes. For Jupiter, it is proof of her resolve and strength, and is simply more comfortable. Due to her flame magic, the heats from the sands do not bother her
Transportation! Obviously, horses and carriages don't work in the sand. Your options are to walk, or ride a sand seal (if you'd like to see this, just look up Sand Seals botw on YouTube ^^)
Hierarchy Easy one. All are equal aside from the Chief, who is above all. No nobles, just equal people and the leader. Unless a special circumstance where an emergency requires the spouse of the Chief to make a decision in her stead. Only decendants of the first Chief may take the throne. If Jupiter dies before creating an heir, it goes to the second eldest sister. This is incredibly unlikely however, as they are A- very fertile, and B- very durable. Especially people elegable for the title of Chief
And last but not least, the monsters.
These creatures are nowhere near the towns, they live in the dusty dunes or stick around the arenas after being corralled These beasts are called Mulduga, giant leviathan-esk things that swim through the sand just like a sand seal can. They are tough and hard to kill, making them the perfect test for a Chief ready to claim the throne