^^ here's what I came up with Remember you can edit anything about any of them! Nothings set in stone!
Nel, the God of Mischeif.
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Thalassa, the God of Solemnity.
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They are twins, who balance out Reality and Fantasy. Nel is creative and loves exploring and making up games and stories, living in his own little fantasy. He can create illusions of whatever he can think up with his imagination Thalassa enjoys reading and painting pictures of real things and places. He's much more grounded in reality and craves knowledge more then anything. He can teleport himself to wherever he desires, so long as it's a real place.
Their existence balances the thoughts of humans, allowing them to embrace their dreams but see past the veil of deception into reality. They are highly worshiped by the humans (of course they are, after the humans know of their existence)
The potential third child, Asteroth, I thought about the most :3 because of course, they deserve an interesting tale as well. So I thought of this:
Asteroth was not born to the gods Selvious and Nezine, but born to a Greedy human king, who offered his first born to the gods for gold and jewels, by way of sacrifice. Selvious saw this, and did not reward the king, instead he cursed the kingdom to fall into despair, and took the soul of the child to turn them into a minor God. He thought of it as a way to introduce Nezine to a child in preparation for twin babies, sort of a tutorial if you will.
Asteroth would become the God of Art, always wanting to paint and draw and sculpt whatever he saw. She gained no abilities, aside from a remarkable talent for art. Due to the sacrifice she was subject to, she is blinded (I was thinking maybe Nezine gifts her a marble statue to see with once they get along :3)
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