Chapter Two

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Yong stared hard at the paper in front of him, checking off each question with a red pen while Kongpob stared at him from across the table. Eagerly awaiting his results. Yong sighed, glancing up at the boy who was practically wagging his imaginary tail. Arthit must have promised him something again. Kongpob was never this interested in his results. Which was a pity really, since he did have the brains, just never the attention to fully focus on his studies.

Counting under his breath, Yong quietly wrote the score for Kongpob's papers and gave yet another sigh. The cheeky brat actually managed an average of 82. After consistently getting an average of 60 for the last few weeks. He wondered what kind of magic spell Arthit casted on the boy to make his grades improve so rapidly in just one day. Turning the paper to Kongpob, he smiled. "See, I knew you could do it."

What he did not count on was seeing Kongpob's immediate crestfallen face. Yong looked at him questioningly, as the boy started fiddling with his fingers under the table. "Kongpob? What's wrong?" he asked as he tried to wave for attention. "This has been your best score yet. You'd be able to get into Arthit's school if you keep this up. That's what you've always wanted, no?"

Kongpob's face lit up for just a split second before returning to its sullen state. "But.. I won't be able to get my iced coffee jelly from Oon today. He said I needed an 85 for that." he answered softly, the disappointment clear in his voice. Yong paused for a moment, before breaking into a smile and shaking his head. He already knew that Kongpob would get his iced coffee jelly regardless if it was Arthit who promised him. That boy never said no to Kongpob unless he absolutely had to. Yong didn't even think Arthit knew how to say no to the younger boy.

Standing up to leave the room, he patted Kongpob's head saying, "You could promise him to keep this grade up so that you could enter the same school. I'm sure he'll be happy and reward you anyway." Giving one last look at the boy, he exited the study room sniggering under his breath. That should keep the little one in check till at least the end of the year. Master Sutthiluck would be pleased.

As soon as Yong walked towards the servant's quarters in search of Arthit to warn him about the possible tantrum coming his way, the smell of coffee hit him hard. He couldn't help but laugh again to himself. Looks like Kongpob would definitely be getting his iced coffee jelly afterall.

"Ow. P'Yong, you're done?" Arthit asked, quickly wai-ing the older and returned to pouring the coffee into the container to set. "That means that little shit will be here soon." he added as he quickly covered the container and put it into the fridge. He then quickly busied himself opening all the windows to air the kitchen so that the coffee monster would not be able to smell the lingering traces of coffee.

"Arthit, what exactly did you tell Kongpob today? I've never seen him that earnest in his studies. If he keeps this up he would have no problem going to your school."

A sheepish smile was shot his way as the teenager across the counter rubbed his neck and said, "I told him he'd get haw candy today if he got 80 and iced coffee jelly if he got 85."

"It really has been a while since he had any of those!" he added quickly as an afterthought seeing Yong's face, thinking that the tutor might have disagreed with his choice of rewards for the sickly boy.

"No no, I wasn't worried about that. I know you manage that boy's diet better than anyone in this household. It's just.." Yong trailed off, trying to pick the right words. "I was thinking if I was the one dangling the carrot, would it be this effective?"

To his amusement, Arthit started turning bright pink as he fumbled around, trying to do something with his hands. He had never seen the ever feisty Arthit this lost for words. 'Guess we both know the answer to that question then,' he thought to himself, and allowed the question to go unanswered as the ever familiar patter of feet approached the kitchen.

"Oo- oh P'Yong you're here? Why are you still here?" Kongpob grumbled, halting his steps and the whine he was about let out loudly. Arthit stepped to his side and smacked the back of his head. Hard.

"Manners, Kong. He's still our Phi no matter your status."

"Ouch.. that hurts Oon." Kongpob whined but flinched when he only got a stern glare in return. Obediently putting his hands together in a wai, he quickly bade the senior goodbye while dragging Arthit out. Yong waved at the two retreating backs, and silently prayed that the gods would have some mercy on the two - to bless them with a lifetime together.

Stepping into Arthit's room, Kongpob finally turned around to face him, staring hard at his face as his own contorted into a look of constipation. Arthit stared back at the boy with puzzlement. Surely he hadn't failed his test. He knew Kongpob too well for that. He would have been sulking and crying under the stairs had he failed. So what was this behaviour about?

"P'Ai'Oon.." Kongpob's voice was soft, as he tried to find the right words to use to convince his Phi. Arthit on the other hand, was now on full alert mode. Kongpob only ever used that name with him when he wanted something. As in really, really wanted something. And nothing good ever came after that name.


Arthit stood staring at Kongpob for a while, rapidly blinking while trying to digest what the younger boy had rattled off in some form of an amazing rap. Then he started to laugh, so hard that tears were threatening to spill from his eyes. He had prepared himself for the worst and yet all Kongpob was trying to ask from him this time around was for iced coffee jelly. Just how much did that boy miss it? He definitely was someone with a one track mind.

Kongpob gazed at Arthit intently, worry slowly spreading over his face. Had he finally broken his Phi? The older boy was gasping for air at this point and Kongpob didn't know if he should run for help or just wait for him to return to normal. He heaved a gentle sigh of relief as Arthit slowly stood up, having doubled over in laughter so hard just a minute ago.

Not saying a word, Arthit faced Kongpob, looking at him quietly for a while. The boy was waiting expectantly for an answer, gripping his fists by his sides. Kongpob really could look so earnest sometimes it was hard for Arthit not to take him seriously as well. Gently taking one of the curled fists into his hand, he smiled.

"Hey, getting into the same school is what you want too right? It isn't just for me. So I know you will do your best. Your por is finally allowing you to not be homeschooled so you really should grab the chance to enjoy as normal a student life as you can! Although that means you will have to endure all the problems that come with it too. But you're a big boy now, you can do this much can't you?"

Kongpob nodded silently, not willing to look at Arthit in the eye. "I can do it," he uttered softly, "with all my heart."

"Well that's good enough for me then. Come on, let's go. It's almost time for dinner." Arthit continued holding Kongpob's hand and started leading him back out of the room. "We'll have the haw candy and ice coffee jelly for dessert." He threw a wink at the younger one as he continued walking towards the main house in nonchalance.

Kongpob felt the soft thudding of his heart as he clenched his chest with his free hand. 'Just a bit more time, please.' he quietly prayed in his mind, as he intertwined his fingers with the radiant teenager in front of him. 'Just a little more time..' In truth he didn't care at all about going to school like a normal child. What he cared about was having the chance to really be Arthit's junior. Not this young master and caretaker relationship. It also most definitely had nothing to do with the girls that he saw ogling his Oon as he walked home while he was spying from his window. Most definitely not.

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