Chapter Thirty One

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Kongpob busied himself around the house, humming as he went about tidying the place a little before hopping into bed with a book. Things had been going well with Arthit he'd like to think. The elder, while gruff, had slowly begun relenting to his advances. His last few nights had yielded a little more affection with Arthit coming willingly into his embrace and even snuggling closer to him unconsciously when they sat in bed chatting.

So even when Kongpob woke up the next day tired as hell, he'd always wear the dorkiest smile he could put on. Lucky Aim wasn't here to witness it all or Kongpob was pretty sure his best friend would not be so forgiving of the fact that he often fell asleep while writing these days. Good thing was he had an ample amount of inspiration that made the writing flow easily, so even with the shortened hours of writing, he could still deliver his manuscripts within his deadlines.

Flipping the book to the page he had last stopped, he grinned absent mindedly at the words staring back at him from the pages. Romance novels weren't usually his cup of tea. He'd always related better to novels with drama and angst better. Maybe it was due to his longing, maybe it was just the fact that Arthit was someone he wanted but couldn't have, but Kongpob had often stayed away from reading romance novels as much as he could to ease the pain in his heart. But right now, Kongpob could truly enjoy them to his heart's content.

In fact, he had even begun writing one of his own, much to Yong's and Aim's surprise. When he had told Aim initially over the phone, the latter was so surprised he had dropped his beer mug on his own toe. Kongpob had only written fantasy adventure novels up to date, so when he said that he wanted to try his hand at a fantasy romance story, Aim had been both elated and afraid. If his gamble paid off, Aim was sure Kongpob's book would be a bestseller. But if it turned out to be a complete flop, it would really cause a dent in his career. Nevertheless, Kongpob insisted that he would try, bent on making it work as the story was much too close to his heart.

Speaking of his heart, he was longing to meet the one who held it once again. Kongpob smiled to himself, bundling the duvet closer to him. His nightly visits did nothing to stifle his need for the other. In fact, he felt like a moth drawn to the flame or a moon that revolved around the sun. He soon constantly found himself needing more, wishing that he could spend all his time with Arthit if possible. But of course he knew, with their circumstance, it was already a miracle that they could meet and he really shouldn't be greedy. The gods would take what he had away from him.

Snapping his book close, he snuggled himself into bed, eager to fall asleep. He had never been much of an early sleeper since he was young but the thought of meeting Arthit each night drove him to bed earlier and earlier. Hey, no harm done right? Sleeping early was a good thing.

Soon enough, he found himself back in the room he had come to know so well. But the familiar figure of his husband was missing. Well, given that Kongpob was a little earlier than usual, it wasn't surprising that Arthit wasn't expecting him. Stepping out of the room, he heard light singing and he followed the source of the voice downstairs to the first level.

His husband was happily singing softly with a guitar and Kongpob stopped at the stairway to admire Arthit's voice. Arthit had mentioned that he played but he didn't expect him to have one here. His parents probably burnt it for him as an offering in the afterlife. Smiling, he leaned over the railings, watching his husband silently.

No matter how many times he saw Arthit, his Arthit, everything still felt surreal. To top it off, the dreams stopped, now being replaced by the time he spent here, in this realm. It wasn't that he had wanted to stop seeing that Arthit, but he often thought his own Arthit was better. Simply because he was his. Arthit spent a lot of time learning about Kongpob, but whenever Kongpob tried to ask more about Arthit, especially about his death, his husband simply brushed the topic off by stating that he was dead and nothing would change that fact.

Kongpob couldn't help but feel that there was certainly more than Arthit was willing to let on, especially since his face always fell ever so slightly whenever the topic of his parents came up. But Kongpob was willing to wait for no matter how long it took for Arthit to tell him everything. So he took to enjoying each night one day at a time, earnestly trying to win his husband's heart over.

The more he spent time with Arthit, watching the other's face, Kongpob fell deeper each time. The way his husband's dimples appeared when he was smiling or laughing, the way he blushed every time Kongpob made a move on him, even the way he yelled 'Kongpob' threateningly but yet, still giving in each time. He was sure, he loved every part of him.

Sneaking up quietly to Arthit, Kongpob threw his arms around him from behind, latching himself to Arthit's neck and puffed gently at his ear. The other man let out a small yelp, before a loud thunderous 'Kongpob' filled the house. Kongpob chortled as he buried his face into Arthit's nape.

"Kongpob! You scared me!" Arthit hollered, struggling to get free. His ears were already turning bright red as Kongpob nuzzled him gently.

"I missed you," Kongpob confessed as he peppered little wayward kisses along Arthit's neck.

"Ay, what do you mean? You were here yesterday too?" Arthit huffed, putting the guitar aside as he tried to disentangle the octopus that was still draped across his neck. He squirmed a little in annoyance when he failed to overpower Kongpob.

"Mm.. But I spent the entire day away from you so I missed you. A lot." Kongpob grumbled, releasing his arms just a little so he could draw Arthit in closer.

"Ay, Kong.. Let me go!" Arthit grumbled, but his body slumping against the coach as he gave up trying to get out of Kongpob's embrace.

Kongpob let go and Arthit looked up in surprise, only to find his other half climbing over the back of the couch to settle down properly next to him.

"It was nice hearing you play, will you play something just for me next time?" Kongpob asked, dragging Arthit into his arms again, pressing his own chest to the other's back.

"Mm maybe, if I'm feeling generous." Arthit teased, playing with Kongpob's fingers. It was comforting being hugged by his husband.

"Ow, Oon, doesn't being your husband get me some special privileges?" Kongpob groused, nuzzling his nose into Arthit's hair.

Arthit frowned and lightly threw his head backwards, bumping it against Kongpob's nose. "What do you mean special privileges? You have had your hands and lips all over me from the point you arrived in this realm. How much more special do you want to be?"

Kongpob grinned, tightening his hold ever so slightly. "I want you to only be mine, and I want to be only yours. That kind of special," he whispered huskily.

Arthit froze a little, before slumping backwards, pressing closer to Kongpob. "I've been yours since the day this appeared on my finger." He whispered shyly, holding up his left hand for Kongpob to see, their wedding ring twinkling lightly under the dim lighting.

"But I want more. I don't just want to be your husband in name. I want your heart, your love, you."

"You've already had all of me for a while, Kong." Arthit murmured, moving to turn so that he could straddle Kongpob.

Nudging his nose against the younger's, he wondered how long Kongpob had been keeping his feelings inside of him. Sure, he wasn't the most willing at the beginning, but he gave in each time didn't he? If he wasn't comfortable or consenting, he would have beaten Kongpob black and blue. He thought that had been a clear enough indication of his feelings but apparently not, he needed to do more. Maybe it was time to be a little more straight forward.

"Do I?" Kongpob asked breathily, gripping onto Arthit's hips tightly.

Nodding, Arthit leaned in to kiss his husband sweetly on the lips. "You do," he smiled sweetly against his lips before pressing down again, allowing Kongpob to lead in their kiss.

"And you always will," he added before wrapping his legs around Kongpob's hips, letting his husband carry him up to the bedroom where he proved his point, over and over again that night.


I don't know why but I was stuck on this chapter for the longest time T-T it was painful but now that I have it up, I hope I can resume updating this story on a more regular basis. I've been away from it for so long for the first time ever. 

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