Chapter Seven

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"Oon. Oon. Did you mean that? Can I have my way today?"

Arthit immediately regretted the word that he had said in the spur of the moment as Kongpob had now latched himself onto him, following him from behind with every move he made.

"No you can't. I was just joking."

Kongpob's hand that was wringing the corner of his shirt dropped so quickly Arthit felt a pang of guilt as the younger boy now stood in the middle of his room, shoulders slouched in clear disappointment.

Sighing, he cursed inwardly for having such a quick mouth that now backfired upon him. "At least let me clear off the plates first. Then you can tell me what you want."

"I want-"

"Later. And I still have the right to consider and say no." Arthit scooped up the empty plates, making a beeline for the kitchen. Why could he never actually say no to the boy? It was practically an impossibility and it seemed that everyone knew that too. Was he that whipped?

Kongpob grinned, happily settling onto his bed. It wasn't an outright no at least. He still had a chance. He ran through his options in his head. There was so much he wanted to do. Snuggle, cuddle or maybe he should just ask for a make out session. Though he was pretty sure that would be a hard no. His chances would probably be better if he just pounced on Arthit.

Remembering the little box that was currently sitting in the drawer of his study desk, he immediately knew what he had to use his request for. It wasn't that he had no confidence, but he most certainly was not going to take any chances. There was simply no room for error for what he had planned out.

When Arthit returned to the room, Kongpob was happily seated in the middle of the bed. He reached out and made grabby hands at the guy staring at him with disbelief. He patted the space between his legs, indicating where Arthit should sit. Shaking his head, Arthit picked up his notes and the little paper bag. Setting the paper bag at the bottom on his side of the bed, he crawled towards Kongpob. Pausing for the slightest of moments, he huffed and settled himself against Kongpob, as the younger boy automatically snaked his arms around his waist.

"Are you going to study your notes now Oon?" Kongpob mumbled, already nuzzling Arthit in the neck.

"Mmm. But I'm feeling lazy right now." Arthit leaned his weight onto Kongpob's chest, enjoying the other's warmth. One of his hands absentmindedly fiddled with the fingers around his belly while the other held onto his notes.

"Just look at this. There's so much to read. Being a third year student is so tiring." He waved the stack of papers around to prove his point.

Sniggering at the older boy who was throwing a mini tantrum in his arms, Kongpob wound his own arms around his waist tighter. "If you're complaining like this, I'm not sure how P'Bright is surviving."

"That idiot copies Knott's work. But somehow he still passes the main exams."

"Oon. you know P'Bright isn't actually stupid right. He's just lazy."

Arthit leaned his head further back onto Kongpob's shoulder so the other could see him glaring at him. "I know that!" he snapped. "He's my friend you know."

"Okay okay." Kongpob pacified, gently stroking Arthit's head. Looking at the clock, he suggested, "why don't you take a nap then you can get back to studying later."

"No! Then I won't wake up in time for-" Arthit's eyes widened as he realised what he had just said out loud.

"In time for what Oon?" Kongpob smirked.

"In.. in time to brush my teeth!" Arthit quickly made up, furiously nodding away.

"You can brush"

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