8-Feelings For Who?

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With a restless nights sleep, Marinette woke up on time. She gathered her things and started her walk to school.

"I'm so proud of you Marinette, finally a good morning!" Tikki appeared out of her little purse. Marinette yawned in response, but smiled afterwards. Marinette walked up to the front gates, when she was interrupted by a call from behind.

"Hey girl!" Alya waved. Marinette stopped and turned around to hug her. "We need to talk!" Alya grabbed Marinette's arm and pulled her aside.

"What's this about?" Marinette giggled.

"Well first of all, you are here early, congrats," her friend started, making Marinette smile. "Second of all," she pulled out her phone and pulled up a photo. Marinette's eyes widened. "Explain!" Alya gave her a death stare.

"What!? First of all explain where you got that photo!?" Marinette cried.

"Not until you tell me what is happening in the photo!" Alya didn't give in. Marinette snatched the phone from her hand. Alya grabbed it back. "Ex...plain!" She demanded again. Marinette sighed as she look at the photo. Most of it was pitch black, but it was a picture of Marinette's balcony with two figures kissing. One of the figures was her, the other...

"Well..." Marinette mumbled. Alya raised an eyebrow. "I...was...on...my...balcony...and..."


"OK FINE!" Marinette yelled back. She took a deep breath and then splurged it all out. "I bumped into Cat Noir the other day and we had a really nice talk, actually a good chat for a few hours but anyway we arranged to meet up last night and then we sort of had a nice chat and then we kissed so yeah..." Marinette's cheeks flushed red and she didn't look Alya in the eye once.

"Oh. My. Gosh." We're the words that came out of Alya's mouth. Marinette twiddled with her fingers as she waited for a response.


"SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!" Marinette covered her mouth. "I wouldn't say dating, we just kissed, but then again he did say-" she covered her mouth before she could reveal anymore.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Alya chuckled as she began to walk off. Marinette wiped the sweat from her brow and took a sigh of relief.

"Oh Mari?" Alya turned back around. Marinette acted natural again. "What about Adrien?"

"Oh, you know," Marinette made her awkward hand gestures. Alya smiled and nodded.


Marinette finished up her homework and took a shower. After dinner, she went back to her room to do some sketches as it was Saturday the next day. Marinette sat on her bed and drew a detailed sketch of Cat Noir.

"Wow Marinette, that looks so good!" Tikki said. Marinette giggled in response. Her smiles were interrupted by a knock at her trap door. Tikki quickly flew and hid. Marinette raised an eyebrow as she opened the door.

"I had to see you again," Cat Noir said. Marinette smiled and let him in. Cat Noir stood in the middle of her room, while Marinette followed.

"Well hello kitty," Marinette giggled. Cat Noir smiled, grabbed her waist, and pulled her in. Marinette grabbed the back of his neck with both hands, having butterflies in her stomach. Cat leaned in and crashed his lips against hers. She kissed back, passionately. The moment was over too soon. They pulled away from each other to breathe, their lips curling into little smiles. Cat opened his eyes and saw her sketch pad on the bed.

"What's this?" He held her hand and led her over to the bed. They sat down next to each other, as he picked up the book.

"What do you think?" Marinette smiled.

"Do I really look that purrfect?" He grinned. Marinette giggled, placing her head on his shoulder. "You really are talented Marinette," he kissed her forehead. She placed her head back up and sat into her bed. Cat turned around and stared at her, smiling.

"I need to tell you something kitty," Marinette said, staring up at the ceiling.

"What is it?"

Marinette sighed and closed her eyes.

"My friend Alya saw us last night."

Cat Noir giggled. "Well then..."


"Well I don't care," Cat said, snuggling his way up to her. Marinette lifted her blanket and covered both their bodies underneath it.

"You don't?" Marinette questioned as he put his arms around her.

"Nah, they will find out one day," he responded. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. Her head sunk down onto his chest as she slowly closed her eyes. Cat turned off the light and placed his head on her pillow, their legs intertwined with one another.

"Thank you," she said, before they slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's grasp.

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