15-Troubling Success

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Cat Noir's eyes fluttered open. He saw a wonderful sight next to him. Marinette and him had untangled, as she lay on her side, facing him, while he had rested on his back. Her hair was ruffled and she slept peacefully. He carefully pulled the blanket up, covering her shoulders. He sat up and kissed her forehead, and with that, he was off once again.


Marinette was finally alive. She reached for the stars as she yawned, still with her eyes shut.

"Kitty?" She asked. "What's the ti-" she stopped when she opened her eyes, to discover there was no one next to her. She sighed in disappointment but got out of bed to find a note at her desk.

Sleeping Beauty looked too peaceful to wake up.
See you soon.

Marinette giggled, her cheeks slightly going pink. She soon went downstairs to have breakfast.


"Son? I have a question to ask," Gabriel walked into Adrien's room, unannounced. His eyes widened when he discovered an empty room.

"ADRIEN!?" He yelled, walking deeper into the room. He was about to call Nathalie when he heard a flush from the bathroom. Adrien stepped out.

"Yes father?" He tilted his head. Gabriel took a sigh of relief.

"You weren't at breakfast I-"

"But you're never at breakfast, what's the problem with me having a sleep in?" Adrien fired back, stunning Gabriel. He shut his mouth and hesitated.

"Well," he started. "Meet me for lunch son, I have something to discuss with you," were his final words before walking out. Adrien took off his fake smile, then sighed, flopping on the bed.

"That was close, wasn't it Plagg!" He exclaimed as his little kwami flew out.

"You're lucky you have a window in your bathroom," Plagg said, rolling his eyes. Adrien chuckled at the response. He got up and went to the dining room to meet his father. Gabriel was already at the head of the table. Adrien took a seat and nodded his head as a greeting.

"I've come to discuss Marinette," Gabriel suddenly said. Adrien's eyes widened,  but he didn't say anything. "You...have become quite close with her, haven't you?" He said, leaning a little closer.

"Uhh..why would you say that?" Adrien stuttered.

"I see how you look at her son. Like how I used to look at your mother," Gabriel said, making Adrien's mouth drop open.

"You've got it all wrong father," he blinked. "She has a boyfriend."


"Uhh Cat Noir," Adrien shrugged. Gabriel leaned back, trying to hide his awe.

"Oh, then I am mistaken," he grinned. "Anyway, about Marinette, could you invite her over? I wish to ask her permission about the photo shoot. The posters have come in and I would like to ask her if I can use them."

"Oh, of course father," Adrien said, taking a bite of his lunch.

As soon as they finished eating, Adrien went to his room and texted Marinette.


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Adrien answered the door and greeted his princess with a hug.

"Come in, we will just wait for my father," he said, leading her to his room.

"Are you excited to see the pics?" He asked as Marinette took a seat on his bed.

"YES!" I hope Cat Noir doesn't mind," she giggled with a smile. Adrien laughed with her.

"Hope not," he rolled his eyes, hiding his sarcasm. A knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

"Mr. Agreste will see you now," Natalie popped her head through he door. The two lovebirds got up and traveled to Gabriel's office.

"Afternoon Miss Dupain-Cheng," Gabriel greeted as the two walked in.

"Hello Mr. Agreste," Marinette smiled. He gestured for them to come behind to take a look at his computer screen.

"Woah," Marinette's mouth gaped open.
"They look amazing!" She said under her breath.

"They do don't they," Gabriel grinned.

"That one is so cute!" Adrien pointed to the picture: Marinette blushed.

"That one is so cute!" Adrien pointed to the picture: Marinette blushed

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"Yeah, that is pretty cute," she agreed.

"So I hope these will be alright all around Paris?" Gabriel suddenly asked.

"Uhh.." she hesitated.
"Yeah sure, I don't see why not," she shrugged, making Adrien smile.

"Wait until Chloe sees them," Adrien whispered to Marinette, making her laugh.

"Excellent," Gabriel said.

"Now Adrien, if you would excuse us, I would like to discuss something private with Marinette," he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh?" Adrien's eyes widened.
"Of course father," Adrien walked out of the office and back to his room, wondering possible explanations. As the door shut behind him, Gabriel spun Mari around.


"Adrien," a knock at the door woke him from his daydream.

"Marinette?" He called as he opened the door. "Oh, father, where is Marinette?" He asked.

"Marinette had to leave, something important came up, she told me to say goodbye for her."

Adrien's face dropped.

"Oh, thank you father," he said quietly, and shut the door on him.

"Strange, he said as Plagg flew out of nowhere.

"Meaning?" Plagg tilted his head, breath smelling like cheese.

"It's not like Marinette to just leave. I should check on her," Adrien said. Plagg instantly rolled his eyes.


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