1-Another Night In Paris

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"Bye Bye little Butterfly" Ladybug said as she watched the white butterfly fly away.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She called as she set everything back to normal. Cat Noir smirked and strutted over to her. He stuck out his hand and winked at Ladybug.

"Pound it!" They cried at the same time as their miraculous began to beep.

"Well," he tapped Ladybug's shoulder and checked his ring. "I should be off," he said as he pulled away.

"Until next time kitty," she waved him off and smiled as she did. She turned around and began to walk when she was interrupted by a crowd of media.

"Ladybug!" Nadia held a microphone up to her mouth. "Another successful night, how did you do it?" She asked.

"I-I would love to stay," Ladybug stuttered. "But I must go, sorry," she hooked her yo-yo onto a tall building and jumped into the air. She made her way back home before she changed back. She landed on her balcony just as her suit disappeared.

"Another job well done Marinette," Tikki flew up and kissed her cheek.

"And not a single pun from Cat, do you think something is up? She held Tikki as she walked into her room.

"I wouldn't know, maybe just a bad day," Tikki reassured in her sweet voice. Marinette nodded and changed into her pj's. "You have a big day tomorrow Marinette, you should get some sleep," Tikki settled next to her as she snuggled into bed.

"I'm just picking out a graduation dress with Alya, nothing big," Marinette smiled. Tikki rolled her eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

"What's up with you?" Plagg questioned as he zoomed straight for the Camembert jar. Adrien flopped on his bed.

"Nothing," he sighed.

"Ok," Plagg shrugged and continued to dig into his cheese. Adrien sighed again but louder until he got Plagg's attention. He looked up from the jar and flew over to Adrien. "Problem?"

"Yes actually," Adrien started. Have you ever noticed that Ladybug is...," he stumbled. Plagg just looked at him. "Different?"

"How?" Plagg sat on his chest as Adrien lay back on the bed.

"I don't know, but she isn't as strict about saving the day and doing things right, she's even flirting with me! Could this mean something Plagg?" He patted Plagg's head.

"You're just love sick," Plagg said. "You have loved her for so many years boy!" Adrien raised an eyebrow at his remark.

"Are you telling me I should...move on?" Adrien shot up and accidentally knocked Plagg off the bed. Plagg flew up, an evil glare on his face.

"No, just telling you to prepare yourself for the worst," he sat back on Adrien.

"What do you think I've been doing for the past three years?" He looked at his Kwami.

"Just an idea," Plagg shrugged. Before they could say anything else a voice from Adrien's bedroom door interrupted them.

"Adrien who are you talking to?" Nathalie opened the door ajar. Adrien signaled Plagg to hide.

"Just...myself!" He called.

"Well, your father would like to see you," Nathalie said and walked away. Adrien's eyes lit up. He followed Nathalie and discovered his father waiting at the main entrance. 'Oh no, could he hear what I was saying?' He thought.

"Y-yes, father?"

"Son, what did you say your plans were for tomorrow?" Gabriel asked, in his usual monotone voice. 'Phew' Adrien gave a sigh of relief in his head.

"I'm going to the mall with Nino and Alya."

"Hmm alright," his father mumbled. Just remember you have a photo shoot at 4pm tomorrow.

"Yes father," Adrien nodded and began to walk off when an idea popped into his head.

"Um, father?" Gabriel looked up. "Could I bring my friends home for the photo shoot? I often get lonely doing them," Adrien asked quietly. Gabriel stayed silent for a moment, then spoke.

"Only if they are not a distraction," Gabriel agreed. Adrien grinned.

"Thank you father. Goodnight," Adrien walked off a smile curling to his lips. Gabriel wished his son goodnight and they parted ways. Adrien re-entered his room, in search of Plagg.

"Plagg?" He called in a hushed whisper. He appeared from under the covers.

"Well you're having a fun day tomorrow," Plagg rolled his eyes.

"I know right, it will be the best!" He pulled off his shirt and changed into his pajama shorts. He tucked himself into bed and Plagg did the same. He had completely forgotten about Ladybug at the moment. His friends were more important.

Marinette lay awake, not a wink of sleep. A restless night was not her ideal plan. She carefully got out of bed, not waking Tikki up and snuck downstairs. She opened the fridge and poured herself some milk. It would always help her sleep. But maybe not so much this time. All she could think about was Cat Noir. Yes they had gotten older and in a sense, matured, but Cat Noir was a lot more cautious about the way he did things. And worst of all the puns, he made no more puns. Something was up, Marinette could sense it. Her thoughts were interrupted by a friendly voice.

"Couldn't sleep either?"

"Mum?" Marinette turned around, alarmed at the scare.

"Just me, what are you up to?" She asked. Marinette stumbled.

"Um..just...thinking about...uh...graduation...yeah," she stuttered.

"Are you nervous?" Her mum rubbed Marinette's shoulder.

"Just. Excited," she stumbled again. Her mum smiled at her.

"What dress are you going to get tomorrow?" She asked, tracing Marinette's thoughts away from Cat Noir.

"I don't know, just something that suits I guess," Marinette smiled and finished her milk.

"You will look beautiful in anything," her mum reassured. "Now, off to bed," she softly demanded.

"What about you?" Marinette asked as she headed toward the stairs. Her mum just raised an eyebrow so Marinette obeyed her and walked up to her room. She tucked herself in and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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