19-A Visit To The Heart

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"Mum?" Marinette faintly said as she tried to sit up.

"Oh, darling! You're ok!" Sabine gave her daughter a tight squeeze, making Marinette wheeze.
"Oh sorry, still a bit sore?" Marinette nodded in response.

"What happened?" Mari looked up.

"Oh you poor thing, you don't even remember. You were robbed, but Cat Noir saved you and brought you home. Apparently, you took a blow to the head," Sabine explained the information given to her. Marinette looked at her sheets, then looked at her mum with despair.

"No, no that's not right, I-"

"Shhh, you need to rest," Sabine sat up and walked out of the room with an air kiss. Marinette's eyes furrowed. Something didn't add up. But she didn't remember what.

"Oh, and sweetie-" Sabine's head popped back in, awakening Mari from her deep thoughts.
"Cat Noir will be back sometime to check on you," she smiled and walked out.

"Ok..." Marinette mumbled, still trying to process everything.

Where was she? Robbed? Cat Noir? What did happen?

Marinette tried to get up, but the pain kicked in. She flinched, but managed to walk over to her mirror above her cabinet. She brought a hand up to her head and grazed it across a cut just below her nose. She also noticed one side of her face had started to swell.

"Tikki?" She called. Her kwami finally came out.

"You're finally awake!" She screamed kissing her cheek.
Marinette gave a faint smile.

"What happened?"


"MARINETTE!" Tom called from downstairs.
"SOMEONE'S HERE TO SEE YOU!" Marinette rushed down the stairs.
"Hey," Cat waved at her from the front door. Marinette smiled but said nothing. She grabbed a jacket, walked outside, and shut the front door. She nodded her head and gestured for him to follow as she began to walk. Marinette led the two to the park, where they took a seat on a bench. They sat in silence, while Marinette pondered.

"Are you alright?" Cat finally spoke. She hesitated.

"I don't know how to answer that right now," she said softly. Cat looked at her. He raised his hand and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. In the process, he accidentally got a look at her earrings.

The ladybug pattern.

"What happened yesterday?" Marinette sighed, not looking at him in the eye. Cat hesitated.

"Y-you were robbed yesterday, took a hit to the head and I took yo home... Unconscious." He said, waiting for a response.

"And what are you not telling me?" She finally looked at him. Cat looked at her, trying to hide his lies.

"What do you mean? Nothing. Why?" Cat leaned closer.

"Funny," Marinette nodded.
"That's not how I remember it," and with that, she stood up and stormed off.

"WAIT, WAIT!" Cat chased after her. Marinette sped up her pace.
"Mari listen, wait," Marinette stopped in her tracks, making Cat bump into the back of her.

"Are you going to tell the truth?" She looked at him dead in the eyes. He hesitated, before he could say anything, Mari turned and continued to walk.

"No, no, no, no, wait!" He stood in front of her now and put a grip on both her shoulders.

"Well?" She raised an eyebrow. He took a deep breath in.

"Thelessyouknowatthemomentthebetter!" He splurged out.

"We'll see," Cat let go of her and she shook him off. He watched her walk off and then hung his head low.

Did she know? What did she want me to say?

"Good job kitty," A voice from the distance made him look up.

"You?" He took a step back.
"You're okay?"

"Aww darling, did you forget about me?" The lady walked towards him.

"So who won, the peacock or the moth?" Cat crossed his arms.

"The peacock of course. But do you know why he took your girl?" Le Paon raised an eyebrow.

"I-I," he hesitated.
"I think so."

"Good," she nodded.
"Then confront her alter ego next time you see her," she pointed off into the distance, where Marinette had walked off. Cat turned his head and looked at where she was pointing.

"No, I can't. I just-" he turned his head to face Le Paon.

She was gone. The confused cat looked around. He pondered for a moment, then jumped off, back home.

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