25-The Final Fight

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"O.M.G! You're serious!? Wait? We could die?! Or worse!? Hawkmoth could RUIN MY HAIR!?" Chloe crossed her arms as she complained to Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Le Paon.

"My lord, she is just as stubborn as I remember," Le Paon whispered in Cat's ear, making him giggle.

"Awesome, a superhero fight to finally decide whether good or evil is the better component! SO COOL!" Alya clapped her hands together as she jumped around.

"Sweet, so what do we have to do?" Nino said.

"Look guys, I know this is exciting, but this is also it. Hawkmoth isn't just some villain we can easily defeat. He is the big one. The one we all fear. We can't screw this up!" Ladybug told them, her eyes filled with guilt and fear.

"So the plan is..." Cat Noir butted in.
"To attack him tonight."

"WHAT!? Kitty, that wasn't the plan! Remember we are waiting for him to attack first!" Ladybug yelled.

"Omg, Ladybug just called Cat Noir Kitty," Alya screeched to Nino.

"M'lady think about it! We know who he is, we know what he wants, we can rush him, tonight!"

"That could actually work," Le Paon stepped up.
"We just need to get the miraculous off him, his pin, we can do this!"

Ladybug just stared at them, she knew they were right. She sighed in defeat.

"These next events are to be kept secret, do you understand?" Ladybug turned to the other three. They all nodded immediately.

"What do we need to do?"


"The Agreste Mansion?" Rena Rouge took a step back.

"Oh my gosh, please don't tell me Adrien Agreste is Hawkmoth!?" Queen Bee hyperventilated.

"No, stay focused," Cat Noir shushed her.
"Get in position, and don't mess this up," he ordered everyone. It was still dark outside, but the sun was soon to come up. Everyone split off and headed to start the mission. Except for Ladybug.

"Are you ready?" She walked up to Cat Noir and placed a hand on his forearm.

"Yes," he said, not looking at her with a blank expression on his face. Ladybug's eyes widened a little bit at his response. She nodded and began to walk off when a pair of arms tugged at her waist. Cat pulled her close and crashed his lips onto hers. She relaxed into the surprise and cupped his cheek with one hand while the other rested on his shoulder. Their lips locked onto one another tightly as their passionate kiss deepened. Cat broke away first and rested his forehead on hers.

"That was the cat's meow," he smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's the kitty I know," Ladybug giggled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. She let go of his embrace and chucked her yo-yo into the air and jumped off.

"Stay safe, m'lady," Cat mouthed before he ran off to his position.

Darkness. The only light came from the shine of the jewel of his miraculous.

"It's time," Hawkmoth said blankly.

"So you know I'm behind?" A woman called in the darkness.

"Where were you?" He said.

"I was always here, what do you-"

"YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!" He turned around shouting. "YOU! You left for so long, left Adrien, left me! WHY!? This could've been us! POWER could've been us, Emilie! So I will ask one more time, where did you go?" He stared blankly at the figure in the dark.

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