14-High School Graduates

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"Smile!" The camera flashed at Adrien, Mari, Nino, and Alya as they posed. It was the day. The day they would graduate High school. They all had black robes and hats on, saying their farewells after the ceremony.

"Congratulations!" Sabine hugged the four of them and so did Alya's and Nino's mum. But not Adrien's. Neither of his parents were there.

"Thanks guys," Marinette and Alya smiled, taking more selfies. Adrien gave a little hidden smile. He loved seeing Marinette smile.

"Don't forget about me," he called and brought out his phone. Alya went away with Nino while Adrien and Mari took a selfie. Marinette put up her signature peace sign as they both gave bright smiles to the camera.

"Aww, I'm going to miss you!" He wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Hey, we will still see each other," he gave a wink, making her I hope so giggle. Everyone walked off to take pictures with their parents, leaving Adrien to himself.

"ADRIKINS!" Chloe rushed over to him. She took out her phone and held it up to him. Adrien gave a fake smile as she took a picture.
"Love you Adrikins!" She squealed as she ran away. Adrien just rolled his eyes and shrugged. He scanned the crowd. Everyone was with their families, hugging, smiling, and even crying. He put his hands in his pockets and was about to walk off, when he saw a familiar silhouette.

"Father?" He tilted his head, before running to him. He wrapped his arms around his neck.
"I thought you wouldn't come," he whispered, as a single tear strolled down his face. His father gave him a hug.

"Congratulations son," he held his son's chin and lifted his head up.

"Thanks father," he sniffled, spotting Marinette walking over to join them.

"Hello Mr. Agreste," Marinette greeted, standing next to Adrien.

"Miss Dupain-Cheng," he nodded, his focus not on her eyes. Adrien put his arm around her, forgetting he was Adrien and not Cat Noir. Marinette smiled at him, brushing the close contact off.

"If you will excuse me," Gabriel said suddenly. "I'm going to get a drink," he brushed his shoulder past Marinette on the way, getting a good look at her earrings on the way past.

He grinned.

"I thought you said he wasn't coming," Marinette turned to Adrien.

"I did."

Marinette gave a smile. She thought it was so sweet seeing Adrien's love for his dad.


"Master," Nooroo flew up. "Why have you been grinning so much lately?"

Gabriel just laughed.
"Because little one," he said. "It makes my job a of gaining the miraculous a lot easier if I know who Ladybug is," he explained.

"You know who Ladybug is?" Nooroo asked.

"I'm afraid so, Adrien's little girlfriend Marinette," he laughed. "If I can just make her mad or upset enough to akumatize her, then I've got the miraculous easy!" He snickered.

"Master, are you sure this is a good idea-"

"Shut up Nooroo!" Gabriel yelled, then stopped. "For my sake," he hesitated. "Yes."

*knock* *knock*

Marinette opened the latch to find herself being smothered. Cat crashed his lips against hers, backing her up into the wall. She stopped to breathe, then looked at his emerald eyes.

"Well hello Kitty," she giggled, giving him another peck on the lips.

"Here," he presented a little wrapped box. "I brought you a little congratulations present. Sorry I couldn't make it," he gave a little smile, hiding his guilt. Marinette slightly teared up.

"Awww Kitty, you shouldn't have," she said, taking a seat on the bed.

"Anything for my purrincess," he took a seat next to her as she unwrapped the box. She opened it to discover a necklace with a single charm on the end that said 'princess'.

Marinette's mouth gaped open.

"I couldn't find purrincess," Cat giggled. Marinette looked at him and then threw her arms around his neck.

"Thank you so much, this is amazing!" She sunk her head into his chest, then got up and went to the mirror. Cat followed her. She struggled to clip on the necklace from behind, so Cat grabbed hold of it. Mari hesitated, then moved her hair out of the way. Cat clipped it on. It shone in the light. Mari sighed, as Cat Noir wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. They both stared at each other in the mirror. Then Mari turned around and rubbed noses with him. She moved a piece of blonde hair out of his face.

"Who are you?" She whispered. He quietly gasped and held her tighter. She waited for a response.
"Ladybug once told me something," he started.
"When I had feelings for her, she told me she couldn't reveal herself to save the people she loved," he cupped Marinette's face.
"I wouldn't know what I would do if something bad happened to you," he kissed her forehead. Marinette smiled, as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"It's for the better isn't it?" She sighed. Cat nodded, leaning in to kiss her. Their kiss deepened, as they held each other tightly. Cat sneakily slipped his hand under her shirt, rubbing her back, which sent chills up her spine. Cat backed her up onto the bed and then pulled away. Marinette gave a cute smile. He lifted the sheets and tucked her in. He lay next to her, holding her waist. Marinette could feel the rise and fall of his chest, which comforted her until they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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