13-Eyes Of A Hawk

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Marinette's eyes filled with fury.

"OH MY GOSH!" Chloe yelled from the crowd. "I CALLED IT!" She approached the front of the room, looping her arm through Cat Noir's and dragging I'm to the front of the stage. He maintained his balance, but couldn't fight Chloe's grip. Chloe was given her crown and flowers. She twirled, showing off her yellow, frilly dress. Cat Noir was crowned, his headpiece just fitting over his ears. He eyed Marinette in the crowd. Her palms were in fists and her eyebrows lowered. He gave a sympathetic smile and shrugged, as Chloe looped he arm through his and started waving to her audience, like she had just won a beauty contest.

"Is there anything you would like to say?" The teacher asked.

"YES!" Chloe snatched the microphone away from Miss Boustier's hand. "First of all, thank you to Gabriel's for this beautiful outfit, no wonder I won," she gave one of her sarcastic and devilish laughs.

"Cat Noir, anything from you?"

He took the microphone from Chloe and just stared out. He didn't say anything, just stared. What could he say without sounding like Adrien?

"Well," he started. He sighed.
"I have known this class for a couple of years now, on my trips around Paris, and I have never seen a more energetic bunch. I'm proud as a superhero, to save each and everyone of you each day," he smiled.
"You guys really are the Cat's Meow!" He winked at everyone and laughed.
"But there's another thing," he looked straight at Marinette.
"I never thought I would find love o the battlefield," everyone followed his eye-line. I
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" Everyone stared.
"Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend, and share more precious meowments with me?" He gave a cheeky smile. Marinette's mouth dropped. Her cheeks flushed with red. Her fingers trembled as she gave a slight nod. Cat offered a hand out. Marinette walked up to the stage and he put an arm around her waist. Meanwhile, Chloe didn't know what to think. She felt jealousy, envy, defeat, but also victory. 'Adrien is finally mine!' She thought to herself, grinning.

Marinette didn't know what to do, as she now saw all of her fellow classmates quietly screaming at how adorable they were. Even her teacher sighed with joy. That's when Cat gave her a little peck on her forehead, making her hold him tighter. Everyone screamed and the night soon came to an end.


"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" Ladybug called, catching another akuma.

"POUND IT!" They fist bumped and walked over to the nearby park. An easy villain, they didn't even have to use their powers. They took a seat on a bench and started chatting.

"So, I heard about your little performance last night," she said to her teammate, cheekily grinning. This was her chance to get some information out of him about their romance.

"What performance m'lady?" He asked back.

"Oh you know, at the school about your new girlfriend..." she giggled.

"So you know about Marinette then I'm guessing," he said, slightly blushing. Ladybug nodded. She felt like she could ask him anything about 'their' romance as Ladybug. She stopped and just stared at him. It was so hard for her to keep herself under control around him now, even as Ladybug. Cat didn't lift his head for a whole minute.

"Is, everything okay?" Ladybug leaned closer.

"Hmm?" He looked up.
"Oh, well," he twiddled his fingers.
"Have...you ever been in love?"

"Ladybug's eyes widened. She smiled, hoping for the next word to come out of his mouth.

"Yes," she whispered. Cat smiled in response. If his conspiracy theory was correct, then that comment made his day.

"Then, do you have little butterflies whenever you are around them, and feel like you can't go more than a day without being beside them?" Cat asked, his legs slightly shaking.

"Of course," she sighed, giving him googly eyes. She suddenly realized what she had just said.
"UH, I mean, when I was in love, with a boy, you know," she tried to clear up, rubbing the back of her neck. Cat just smiled to himself.
"I gotta go Kitty, uh, Cat Noir, bye," she waved, and scurried off.

Cat giggled to himself.
"See ya, Purrincess."


Gabriel stood in his study staring at his computer. He pulled up a picture of Ladybug and zoomed in. Then, he got pictures of Marinette, from the photo shoot she did with Adrien, and zoomed in on those as well.

"Bulls eye," he grinned to himself as he studied the two earrings. An exact match. But his smile soon disappeared when a thought struck him. He zoomed out and stared at the picture of the photo shoot. Adrien was cupping her face and had a hand around her waist, while she stared deeply into his eyes. The way they were looking at each other. It was love. Gabriel sighed.
"I'm so sorry son."

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