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Black Phantom

Chapter 7:

Mai laid a caring hand onto the forehead of her superior officer's forehead, not expecting him to flinch and jerk away like she was the carrier of an infectious disease.

"What are you doing?" he barked annoyedly.

The female officer blinked in surprise.

"You're looking ill this morning so I thought that I would check your temperature. You were off sick the other day so you should be more careful with your health," she explained and stepped away from him as she seemed to be particularly sensitive.

"I'm fine, Mai. There is no need to concern yourself. In any case the heist is tonight so I have to be present," he replied. "Mai, tea and it had better taste like actual tea."

She rolled her eyes in exasperation but acquiesced to his request nevertheless. As soon as she had left the office Lin stopped typing.

"Noll, are you really planning on attending the heist tonight as Kazuya Shibuya? That woman, Yoshiyaki seems to be a high ranking member judging by the trees in her garden and is very likely to recognise your face," he reminded his charge who had been acting strangely all morning.

He had waited up all night for Noll to return as the hang glider was still an experiment and he was concerned that something would go wrong and injure him. The Inspector had finally landed back on the roof of their shared apartment at an ungodly hour in the morning, looking deep in thought and worried. Apparently nothing had gone wrong with the hang glider, it was just that he was worried about the Sakurazukamori and his brother which seemed to be understandable considering the situation he was in.

However judging by his charge's reaction to Taniyama's touch he was suspecting something else, along more romantic lines. Lin was all for Oliver Davis showing an interest in love as he had always been introverted and a little too emotionless and Mai Taniyama was a perfectly pleasant girl and reminiscent of Gene, but why did it have to happen now? The last thing they needed was for Noll to make a wrong move and end up in the clutches of the Sakurazukamori because he was distracted by his feelings for Mai Taniyama.

Or for Taniyama to deduce that the head of the task force was Kuro Kaitou.

There was a knock at the door and Lin opened it to see the ponytailed Police officer and his red headed partner who was clearly eyeing him up. Lin shuddered.

"Yoohoo! We're here to see Naru-chan," the monk said and made his way over to Inspector Shibuya's desk.

Naru gave him a cold look for the use of the nickname that Mai had given him. "Actually, I do have a request for you, Takigawa-san."

"I was going to exorcise the Inugami anyway..."

"It's not that, I need something else. Only you can do it."

10 hours later:

"So you are Inspector Shibuya...?" Yoshiyaki-san said doubtfully, scanning him up and down. "Are male Police officers allowed to have ponytails now?"

"Inspector Shibuya" fixed her a ferocious stare for the insult. He would now understand why his niece could not stand the woman.

Yoshiyaki switched her attention to Ayako. "Be careful with your hair roots and I would recommend giving up on the fake nails. With a ponytailed lout as the head of the task force it is no wonder that Kuro Kaitou has not been caught."

Bou-san shot Ayako, who was bristling with anger, a sharp look to signal that she definitely had to keep quiet, no matter the insult. He had no idea why he was impersonating Kazuya Shibuya, but the woman was certainly creepy and powerful enough to create an Inugami curse. In addition Mai had informed him that there were several blooming cherry blossom trees in the garden.

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now