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Black Phantom:

Chapter 11:

Naru froze at Bou-san's words and racked his brain at top speed to produce a plausible denial that would convince the monk that he was wrong. He had made a mistake in underestimating the monk. A mistake that he never wanted to make again. He forced a smile on his face.

"You have to be careful about saying things like that, Takigawa-san, Matsuzaki-san will shout at you again."

"You can't fob me off like that, Naru," the monk said with a devious smirk. "Just spill the beans now, the less time you waste denying it, the less faster we will find Mai."

The scientist shot Lin a questioning glance. Although Lin was his bodyguard and it was Naru that gave the orders, he preferred to have his opinion on important matters like this as he was normally more level headed. In return Lin gave him a slight nod of his head.

"There is no point in denying it. I am Oliver Davis and Mai has been kidnapped by the Sakurazukamori," he sighed.

Bou-san raised his eyebrows, he hadn't expected such a fast confession whereas Yasuhara looked unsurprised. As for his girlfriend her mouth resembled a certain famous person of someone screaming.

"Are you Kuro Kaitou?" was the monk's next question.

"Yes and Lin is my accomplice, but you have already guessed that."

It had hit Bou-san suddenly that the profile that they had been constructing matched the head of the Kuro Kaitou task force, Kazuya Shibuya who seemed to be highly intelligent, but hadn't actually caught the thief yet, meaning that there was a high probability that he really was Kuro Kaitou. Then he had recalled being on the receiving end of Mai's rant after her first day with the task force with one of the key points that she had been reprimanded harshly by Kazuya Shibuya for jokingly suggesting that the phantom thief was a PK user and that the Inspector knew what PK was, but he had never heard of Oliver Davis which was inconceivable as the two were synonymous.

There could be only one reason to feign ignorance, Kazuya Shibuya had to be a cover for Oliver Davis.

The clincher had been the idea that the nickname "Naru" had some connection to his name and he had remembered a conversation that he and Yasuhara had had with an Australian priest about western names and their abbreviations. He had been sure that Oliver could be abbreviated to Noll so he had checked with Yasuhara who had confirmed it.

Naru began to notice that a certain priestess was glaring at him. A memory came floating back to him of Mai explaining Ayako's feelings towards Oliver Davis.

"Ayako says that if she ever meets Oliver Davis in person, she will castrate him for taking up so much of her boyfriend's time."

He shuddered and decided it would be best to change the subject.

"As Takigawa-san knows, I can go Psychometry and I have borrowed Mai's key..."

Bou-san's eyes widened in excitement which was half about Mai and the other half was the prospect of seeing Oliver Davis use his abilities. "Can you trace her?"

Naru shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. All I saw was the kidnapping, someone with psychic abilities is blocking it. Takigawa-san, you are correct about the Sakurazukamori being involved."

The monk shot Ayako a triumphant look before he turned serious again.

"Do you have any way of finding Mai? Or any knowledge of where she may be imprisoned?" Ayako enquired. "Surely you have learnt something."

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now