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Notes: Sakura translates as cherry blossom.

Bold text denotes English speech.     


Black Phantom

Chapter 4:

As soon as the order of "Mai, tea" left Naru's mouth, the female officer was up and running before he could make any snide comments about her speed. She had suggested getting a kettle for the task force office, but the narcissistic Inspector had vetoed that immediately, claiming that she needed the exercise.

The moment Mai had left the room Lin paused typing and walked over to Naru's desk. The signal for a private conversation had become Naru ordering Mai to make tea.

"You have found something?"

"Yes. Using the Police database I looked up one of the names of the high ranking members and the only likely address belonging to someone of that name is this one," he pointed to a line of text on his computer screen. "It does not appear on any satellite images leading me to suspect that it is the one."

Lin frowned, he preferred to have more concrete evidence before he aided and abetted Kuro Kaitou. Naru caught his glance.

"After I have sent the warning note to the Police, we, as the Kuro Kaitou task force will have to survey the house, then we will know how we are going to plan the heist. However, when we as the Police make a preliminary visit, you will have to go in my place as we cannot afford to lose everything by someone recognising me as Eugene Davis' brother."

The Chinese man sighed deeply. Life certainly never dull when you worked for Oliver Davis, but it could get dangerous.

The door was kicked open by Mai who was carrying two teacups. She passed one to Naru without even glancing at him and handed the other to Lin.

"I thought I would make you some, Lin-san as you must get stressed working for the narcissist."

Lin gave her a small smile, her warmth beginning to melt his cold personality. It was undeniable that she was a bright person to be around.

"Thank you, Taniyama-san."

"Did you hear that, Naru? Even Lin-san says "thank you"."

Her taunt did not receive reply from Naru who was busy inhaling the fumes of tea as he drank it. Maybe, when everything was over, he would hire Mai to be his personal tea maker... He shook his head. He should be thinking of his brother and not the girl that he had kissed... why did he do that?

He glanced over Mai's witness statement from the night before with slight amusement. The brunette had neglected to mention the kiss, claiming that she had been intent on arresting Kuro Kaitou when he had incapacitated her by "unknown means". He smirked.

His attention was brought back to the present by the sound of the office door opening. Naru looked up to see Mai about to leave.

"Mai, where are you going?"

"To see Bou-san and Ayako, unless you actually have something for me to do," she answered.

He opened his mouth to say yes, then he realised that he didn't have anything to keep her in the office with him.

"Fine. You can go, but you have to be back within an hour."

"Of course," Mai answered and left the room.

Lin raised his eyebrows. As unlikely as it seemed, Noll was growing fond of Mai Taniyama, possibly for the tea that she made. Or rather, he hoped it was the tea, anything further was not wise. If Noll showed any signs of being fond of her for more than her tea, he would have to take steps against her.

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now