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Black Phantom:

Chapter 10:

The phone rang as Naru was brushing his teeth and he rushed out of the bathroom to see Lin squinting at the number which was unfamiliar to the narcissist. Having a phone call on the landline was an unusual occurrence as his parents always called him on his mobile phone and the landlord was the only person that normally called, but he called at a decent time to discuss the rent, not at 11 o'clock at night.

He made a quick decision and picked up the phone. The person on the phone spoke before he even had a chance to ask who it was.

"Naru? It's important, have you seen or heard from Mai?" a shrill female voice demanded.

The voice was familiar to Naru. "Matsuzaki-san?"

"Yes. Do you know where Mai is?"

Naru blinked in surprise. "Is she missing? I thought she was seeing Yasuhara-san tonight."

"She never made it home, Yasuhara called us and her mobile phone isn't available."

Lin shot him a questioning glance to ask what was going on.

"Mai is missing," Naru hissed and returned to his conversation with the redhead.

"Matsuzaki-san, judging by the lateness of your call, I assume that I am your last resort and you have already exhausted every other possibility. Am I right?"

"Yes, we have called all of her friends and they haven't seen her in a while. Yasuhara says that Mai told him not to bring any alcohol or food when he came over as she would be going shopping on her way home and we checked at the supermarket- no one fitting her description has been seen."

"So you know approximately where she went missing. Can you tell me her route home?"

Once he had written it down on a post it note, he put the phone down.

"Mai mentioned that she had a dream about cherry blossoms, she is a latent psychic and now she had mysteriously disappeared," he informed Lin. "Sakurazukamori..."

The omnouji nodded. "It has to be. That woman, Yoshiyaki, questioned Mai about her relationship with Kuro Kaitou and she reacted strangely, prompting me to question you, but it is likely to have spurred her disappearance.

Naru nodded and put on his coat and gloves.

"Noll, where are you going?" Lin enquired. "If you start looking for her now they will know that you are someone close to her. After all, Kuro Kaitou has not yet received any notification."

Naru paused. "That is right, I was not thinking clearly. What should we do?"

Lin sighed. "Noll, once Taniyama-san has been rescued, you and I are going to have a long talk about your indiscretion.

"Indiscretion sounds like I did something against the law," the Inspector muttered under his breath. "Lin, go out and meet Matsuzaki-san at this location," he passed over the post it note. "Ask her if she has anything of Mai's that I can borrow."

The omnouji glanced at the location before placing the post it note in his pocket and pulling on his coat.


His charge nodded. "It's a long shot as it does not work for Gene, but I have to try."

After giving the narcissist an order to stay where he was and not to do anything stupid, Lin left the apartment, leaving Naru alone to berate himself.

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now