One by One

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Black Phantom

Chapter 8:

He turned to see the woman known as Yoshiyaki standing in the shadow of one of her cherry blossom tress, dressed in a black kimono that allowed her to perfectly blend in the night. Despite his use of black clothes which also allowed him to hide in the shadows, he felt very exposed, like a corpse on a mortuary slab.

"What makes you think that you know who I am?" he enquired haughtily.

"Everyone suspects that you are Dr. Oliver Davies. You are the only person who would think that they would be in with a chance of bringing up down."

"Us?" he questioned, deciding it would be best to feign ignorance until he had come up with a way out.

"Don't play stupid. The Sakurazukamori. Guardian of the Cherry Blossom barrow. My tree would love to have you, I've never fed them a PK user before and I'm looking forward to using your powers."

The phantom thief fought back a shiver that was going down his spine at her words. Lin had never mentioned that the Sakurazukamori assassin would gain the powers of their victim, but it was no wonder that he hadn't known as they were a very secretive clan, for the obvious reason.

"What makes you think that I have PK?"

"Admittedly you are holding it in so I cannot detect it, but if you are Oliver Davis, of course you have PK," she said dismissively. "Now, are in Japan to track down poor Gene?"

His heart lurched at the mention of his twin brother's name.

"Don't say his name like that."

"Eugene it is then. Poor, poor Eugene, he was never the one we truly wanted..."

Naru filled in the gap easily. "You mistook him for me."

"Yes. We knew what Dr. Oliver Davis looked like from the video of a certain PK demonstration and we never knew what Eugene Davis looked like or that he was your twin. So when someone who looked exactly like Oliver Davis was spotted in Nagano by one of our members we... obtained him, thinking that he was you. We soon found out that he only had abilities as a psychic medium and not PK."

This confirmed the suspicions that Naru had been entertaining all along. His brother's disappearance had been caused by the Sakurazukamori and Gene had been kidnapped by mistake. What happened after that was unknown which was why he was tracking down members of the Sakurazukamori; one by one, using Kuro Kaitou as a cover.

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked and glanced around him to ensure that there were no assassins hiding in the shadows.

The woman smiled sweetly. "Because none of it was anything that you did not already know before. As for Eugene's location, I will not tell you, simply because I do not know. He was moved tonight as a precaution."

"What will the Sakurazukamori do if I kill you now?" he narrowed his eyes.

As testament to the clan that she was a member of, Yoshiyaki did not even flinch and her smile widened.

"You won't do it because you are a good person with morals," she answered. "I was like that once. Corruption is easy, the bad side have power, like this."

She clicked her fingers and Naru noticed that parts of hands were blowing away in the breeze. A closer look revealed that her hand had turned completely into cherry blossom petals and this was continuing up her arms and the rest of her body.

"Good bye, Kuro Kaitou. We will meet again. Until the next time."

With that, the last of the petals blew away and Naru was left standing by himself in the garden with only the cherry blossom trees for company.

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now