Dark Kiss

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Kuro Kaitou:

Chapter 2:

The brunette noticed Kazuya's surprised expression and laughed nervously.

"I suppose it was a ridiculous suggestion. It's all Bou-san's fault- he is always going on about Oliver Davis' PK. PK stands for Psychokinesis."

"I know what PK means," Kazuya said with a tight jaw.

Lin stepped in before anything else could go pear shaped. "Officer Taniyama, please refrain from making statements like that when you write reports. Forensics should be finished in the next room."

He led Mai out of the room, leaving Kazuya in a daze. He would not leave those two together again, it was too dangerous. Despite her carefree attitude Taniyama was sharp and Noll, despite his calm exterior, did let some of his emotions show which could lead to their undoing.

The room he led her into was the study which was unrecognisable as papers were strewn everywhere, books were littering the floor and all the drawers of the desk had been pulled out and were upturned. It was clear that Kuro Kaitou had made a frantic, but thorough search.

"Did he really only have three minutes before officers caught up with him?" Mai asked disbelieving, gazing at the mess.

"Yes. Unfortunately the camera in this room had also been disabled," Lin answered as he flipped through a list of forensic evidence that a scene of crime officer had just handed him which was minimal. He allowed himself a ghost of a smile. Noll really could get a job done when he put the effort in and had motivation. "Forensics don't seem to have anything conclusive as usual. No hairs or fingerprints. Just fibres from his gloves which is not very helpful."

"Why do the Police go to all this trouble for a thief who hasn't yet stolen?" Mai enquired as she glanced at the books strewn over the floor and recognised one of them as being one about exorcisms that Bou-san had.

"I take it that you looked up all of his past heists when you found that you had been assigned to the task force," the beanpole began.

She nodded. "Of course."

"You may have noticed that all of the targets are houses owned by moderately well off people which puts pressure on the Police along with the fact that he keeps making a fool out of us and we still have not yet worked out how he gains entry. It is important for the Police to arrest him before we lose the trust of the public."

"I understand. Has there been any actual progress?"

Lin shook his head with a blank expression on his face.

"Do you want him to be caught?"

As fast as his reactions were, her sharp eyes caught the flicker of fear in his eyes and his indrawn breath.

"It would help my career and lower my blood pressure if he was caught," he said evenly, having recovered from the shock of the question. If Mai Taniyama continued on like this, making statements that came to close to the truth and asking hard hitting questions like that, he would have to take steps against her.


He turned to see his charge standing behind him, glancing at the mess in the study with an amused eye, as if it was funny to see his handiwork done under the cover of darkness being subject to a forensic examination in bright light.

"Are we leaving?"

Kazuya nodded. "Forensics will send us a report tomorrow, but minus technical babble there is nothing of use."

On her way out Mai tripped up on the threshold of one of the doorways and fell into Lin, knocking Lin into a bookshelf which fortunately did not fall over and crush his leg. A couple of books fell out and after apologising profusely Mai bent down and picked them up. Both were familiar books as she had seen them in her unofficial aunt's apartment. The owner of the house was obviously a fan of the supernatural, she decided.

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