Death Day

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Black Phantom:

Chapter 6:

The day before the heist was the day that Naru met Mai's ex boyfriend. From the beginning of the day he had known that it was not going to be a normal day.

Firstly his personal tea maker had arrived fifteen minutes for work with heavily red rimmed eyes paired with black bags underneath. He had given her a mild reprimand and sent off to make tea and she had shuffled off aimlessly.

When his tea had arrived he had found that it was devoid of milk meaning that, for an Englishman, it was completely undrinkable so he had sent her away again. The next cup had had more milk than tea. The sight of her unhappy face had made him change his mind about telling her off again.

Later that morning, acting on a warning from Lin about Mai having too much spare time, he took her visit various suppliers of explosives to track down the ones placed in the fuse box and cameras. Naturally their search yielded nothing as his supplier was located in England with no connection to Japan.

It was on their way back to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police headquarters that something happened. The narcissist pulled onto a main road to find it jammed full of cars. He squinted ahead out the windscreen and spotted blue flashing lights.

"It must be an accident," he observed and glanced behind him to find that at least five cars were queued behind his car. "We are going to have to stay here for a while."

Mai nodded and stared out the window with a distant expression on her face. The Inspector gazed at her, trying to ignore the tantalising taste of her lips. He shook his head, what was he doing? He should be worried about the Inugami, the Sakurazukamori, Gene, anything but his kiss with Mai. This brought him back to his current dilemma.


She turned her head round to face him. "Yes?"

"Is there-"

A knock on the window interrupted him. Naru could see a grinning spectacled man with brown hair looking in. Judging from his uniform he was a traffic warden, maybe he can get us out of this traffic jam, he mused idly.

His attention was then caught by Mai smiling back at the traffic warden and opening the car door. That was right, Mai Taniyama had been a traffic warden prior to joining the task force so presumably she knew the aforementioned traffic warden.

What he was not expecting was for the traffic warden to throw his arms around his personal tea maker and pat her on the head. Much to his relief Mai did not settle into the hug and pulled back after about a minute. She glanced back at Naru and he shot her a questioning look.

"Naru, this is Yasuhara-san. We used to be colleagues. Yasuhara, this is Inspector Shibuya, my boss."

Yasuhara bowed his head in greeting whereas Naru did not. The traffic warden then swooned dramatically.

"Ah, Mai-chan, you mortally wound me. "Just a colleague..." Even the lovely Bou-san would elevate me higher."

The brunette officer gave him a playful elbow to the ribs. "Is the traffic going to be moving anytime soon?"

His teasing face became serious. "You know how it to works, Mai-chan. There's been an accident and all we can do is block the traffic until the team comes to clear the wreckage away."

"Give me an estimate."

"Quarter of an hour. One car or what was left of it, has been cleared," he paused. "I thought of you this morning, I know what day this is..."

Black Phantom (Ghost Hunt fanfic) (NaruxMai)Where stories live. Discover now