Chapter 10

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((Y/N)'s POV)

As the Wyvern flew towards Beacon, Adam depleted the remains of Blake's Aura and stabbed her in the abdomen. She cried out in pain and I noticed the blonde bimbo turning in Adam's direction. "Get away from her!", she shouted and leaped at Adam. I smirked, seeing that she left an opening because of her blind rage. And that was a great mistake. Adam slashed with Wilt and cut off her right arm. The female fell to the ground, unconscious. Adam wanted to finish her off, but the Traitor stepped between them. Adam growled and said something to her, then he tried to decapitate her. Keyword: tired. It was just one of her shadow clones and as soon as the clone disappeared, I saw Blake running off to Oum knows where. I went to Adam and asked him: "Shall we go after them?" Adam shook his head. "No.", he answered, "We will meet again, sooner or later. And then", he gripped his Katana, "I will kill her." I nodded and teleported on Aurora's back.

She was currently gliding over Beacon Academy. Once I landed on her back, she growled: "A warning would be appreciated next time." I apologized to her and together, we looked for the person I once called my sister. In the meantime, the Wyvern flew up to the Tower and landed there. After a while, it destroyed the tower with its wing. I could see cinder fighting the spartan girl, which seemed to be easy for my current client. Suddenly, I noticed movement in front of the tower. I saw the red reaper and Ẅ̷̢̥́̍e̵̜̍̔í̶̲̤s̷̜̉̽s̶̡͚͛, fighting off Grimm. Then, the Schnee made her Glyphs appear on the tower and the silver-eyed girl ran upward. Smirking, I told Aurora to set me off in front of her. She hovered in one place for a while, which was long enough for me to jump down. After landing, I growled and the Grimm, which made a circle around the Schnee. Weiss looked around, confused by the sudden behavior of the Grimm, but then she noticed me.

I smirked and said: "Now you're mine." I extended my claws and charged at her. She blocked them with her rapier and pushed me back. She then slashed at my right arm, but I sidestepped and hit her shoulder with Prey, damaging her Aura severely. I grinned. "You better keep watch of your Aura.", I said, "You wouldn't want to lose your friend." Her eyes widened, realizing that if I break her Aura before the red reaper reaches the top, she will fall and die. I dashed at her once again, and Weiss had to do her best to evade or block my attacks. She then jumped away and pointed her weapon at me again.

"Why.", she asked, "Why are you with the White Fang?" I rolled my eyes. "I already told you, that the Fang has been way kinder to me than my real family ever was." "But you are a human!", she shouted, "What do you think they will do with you, once you have stopped to be useful to them? They will get rid of you!" I sighed. This conversation was starting to annoy me.

"First of all,", I started, "I am no human, not to my packmates, not to the Grimm, and not to me. I lost my humanity seven years ago. Second, I am the Beta of the pack, the best Assassin of the pack, and a highly respected member, so it is very unlikely, that I will cease to be useful. And third, even if they would decide to get rid of me, I would not fight back, because I am loyal to our cause, even if that means my death." I could see in her eyes, that she was impressed by my loyalty to the White Fang. "I have had enough of talking." I hissed and deactivated my claws.

Time to show off, I thought. I summoned four subspace lances behind my back, stretched my right hand, and threw the Schnee around like a Ragdoll

 I summoned four subspace lances behind my back, stretched my right hand, and threw the Schnee around like a Ragdoll

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After I was finished with her, I felt exhausted

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After I was finished with her, I felt exhausted. Since I wasn't a full Herrscher yet, my limit on the usage of Honkai was way lower than one of a Herrscher. Weiss was lying on the ground, barely conscious. 'That's enough', Sirin said, 'You have reached your limit. Besides, didn't I and Adam tell you to not show your powers?' I already had an answer prepared, but a loud cry interrupted me: "PHYRRA!", the voice of the silver-eyed girl sounded from the top of the tower, and silver light began to spread from her location. I noticed, that once a Grimm got in contact with the light, it was vaporized instantly. Something has clawed my heart, a feeling I haven't felt in ages. Fear. I turned around and searched for Aurora. I calmed down a bit when I found her not far away from me, but that calmness disappeared once I realized that she was too slow to escape the murderous light.

My body acted on instinct. I did something I have never done before: I stopped time. Then, I quickly teleported over to the Mayura and teleported us both to the first place that came to my mind: Mountain Glenn. As soon as we arrived, the price for this act hit me hard. With the stunt I pulled, I was way over my limit. Crimson lines appeared all over my body, and I started losing consciousness. Before the world around me turned black, I could hear Aurora, Sirin, Mei, and a lot of other voices calling my name.


Location: Rooftop of the White Fang Hideout, Vale

(Adams POV)

I was impatiently waiting for (Y/N). After the CCT tower fell, we lost contact with him. I didn't admit it in front of the others, but I was worried that he got carried away by his craving for vengeance. After all, I thought sadly, I am doing the same mistake. My thoughts were interrupted by a female wolf Faunus shouting: "Over there!" I looked in the direction she was pointing in and saw that Mayura, that was friends with (Y/N), gliding towards us. Once she landed, I noticed a limp body on her back and immediately knew that it was him. "Bring a stretcher here immediately!", I shouted and ran towards the Grimm. She was putting him down carefully, while I was approaching her. Once I got to my friend, I noticed crimson shimmering lines across his body. Then, I heard Sirin's voice echoing in my mind: 'He is only unconscious and he will stay in this state for a few days.' What happened, I demanded from her. She answered with an angered snarl: 'That idiot went way over his limit with his powers. Once he gets up, I'll give him a piece of my mind.' I expected that. You're not the only one, I assured her and made a mental reminder to scold (Y/N) for his reckless behavior. Once the stretcher arrived, we laid him down on it and went into the med bay. The doctor, an elderly fox Faunus hurried towards us. "What happened to him?", he asked in a worried tone. (Y/N) may be a human, but most members of the White Fang took a liking to the insane boy. "He overused his semblance.", I explained. The medic nodded and replied: "He needs rest, lay him over there." Once we placed (Y/N) on the bed the fox Faunus pointed at, I left the med bay. I stopped one of my subordinates and said: "Send a word to the High leader about current events. And don't forget to mention what happened to Inferno." Once the soldier went to fulfill my order, I mumbled: "She is the one who cares about him the most, after all."

To be Continued.

The Schnee Herrscher (RWBY x male abused broken Herrscher  reader)Where stories live. Discover now