Chapter 11

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Location: White Fang HQ, Heaven, 3rd POV

It was a beautiful day outside, birds were singing, flowers were blooming...


...and the members of the White Fang were hiding out of sight to avoid a very enraged tigress.

Sienna Khan, the current High Leader of the White Fang, had the unfortunate habit of throwing items at everyone within her vicinity when angry. In her current state, she was enraged beyond measure. "You mean to tell me that Adam Taurus is the one responsible for the fall of Beacon Academy and the destruction of the Vale CCT Tower, practically dragging our reputation through the mud?", her voice, barely a whisper, but still clearly understandable due to the throne room's acoustic properties, filled the deer faunus kneeling in front of her with dread. He, like everyone else, knew that if the High Leader Khan was whispering like that, she was very dangerous to everyone around her, the sole exemption being her little "pet", Inferno. Looking for any movement that might indicate another thing being thrown at him, the unfortunate messenger spoke once again: "Yes, High Leader..." "And not only that", Sienna once again interrupted him, her hand twitching, "His foolish plan also led to Inferno getting injured." And there it was, the deer faunus thought, the reason for. The majority of her rage. Every member of the White Fang knew about the High Leader's affection for the young human, but nobody wanted to discuss it, as the majority of them were a little afraid to call their superior a cradle robber. Her voice interrupted his musings: "Send word to Vale: The two of them are to come here immediately." That's when the messenger noticed her hand reaching for a nearby vase. Wasting no time, The deer faunus immediately bolted, the throne room's heavy doors closing behind him just in time to shield him from the incoming projectile, the High Leader's last words echoing behind him: "I WANT THOSE TWO IN FRONT OF MY THRONE IMMEDIATELY!"

Location: White Fang Hideout, Vale (Y/N)'s POV

Darkness. The first thing I saw after regaining consciousness. Looking around, I sighed, recognizing this place. This little area has been used by Sirin before to lecture me if I did something incredibly stupid. "Finally awake I see." Speak of the devil and she shall appear. Turning around, I was met with a slap in the face, almost immediately followed by a bone-crushing hug. "You idiot! You almost killed yourself!", Sirin yelled at me, her voice filled with worry. I winced. She had warned me countless times that if I used Honkai Energy too much with my current body, it would burn me from the inside out. "I couldn't just let her die.", I whispered. Aurora was more than just a simple packmate, she was like my own child to me. "I understand.", Sirin said, her expression softening, "But that doesn't mean you're getting off scot-free." I sighed, already expecting consequences for my reckless behavior. The pack has to be kept in line, after all. The sudden realization that the Alpha might also not take kindly to my actions made me gulp.

Sirin delivered her verdict: "I'm restricting your access to Honkai energy to the barest minimum. Additionally, your theory lessons will increase at the cost of your practical ones." I lowered my head in acceptance: "I understand.". Theory lessons were absolutely boring to me. I liked it better to learn by doing. As for the restricted influx of Honkai Energy, I couldn't complain. It was more for my safety than to punish me. Finally releasing me from her grasp, Sirin states: "It's time for you to wake up."

With those words, she snaps her fingers and I open my eyes to find myself lying in a bed in the Medical room, Aurora sleeping peacefully next to me. I smiled, glad that she was okay. I hear the door open and look up to see Adam striding to me. He stops in front of my bed, scowling. He tries to look intimidating but I can smell the relief on him. "Do you have any idea of what you did", he growled, "You almost killed yourself! ad if you killed yourself, The High leader would kill me!" He leaned in and whispered: "and then I would get revived by your little Spirit friend only to be killed again." I rolled my eyes at his overdramatic display, only to receive a light slap on my head. "Oh, c'mon Adam, I'm still injured", I complained to him. The bull Faunus smirked and replied: "That won't matter, there's nothing left to injure in there." Before either of us could continue our friendly banter, we were interrupted by the head medic's voice. "Would you kindly stop disturbing my patients, Taurus?", the old raccoon faunus in charge of the medical room limped to us, his wooden cane suddenly very threatening, seemed very irritated, "Or would you rather be admitted with head trauma?" Adam raised his hands in a sign of surrender. "Okay, calm down. I'm leaving", he said before turning to me, "We'll talk once you can walk on your own feet again." I nodded. Adam gave me a finger salute before departing, leaving me in the care of the medics.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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