Chapter 2

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Location: The Void

((Y/N)'s Pov)

"Dodge!", Sirin shouted as she threw a spear at me. We were in the middle of a training session and I was trying to meet her expectations. As I evaded the spear, I also slashed at one of the many honkai beasts she summoned. I could've easily summoned my own, but the female Herrscher told me not to. "You have to be able to use the honkai for offense and defense perfectly.", Sirin explained to me, "Otherwise you will be in trouble if all of your summons are defeated and you won't be able to beat your enemies."

My daily training was divided into three parts. The first one was fighting without using my Herrscher powers, only my claws and hand-to-hand combat. I was also taught to use an entire arsenal, from swords, tridents, and axes to firearms like AK-47, Beretta, or an RPG. She also taught me about otherworldly weapons, because she was planning on visiting some of them. Sirin taught me about powerful artifacts too, for example about sacred gears and imperial arms.

The second part of my training was pure theory. The Herrscher of the void taught me about the other Herrschers (13 in total, including Sirin) and their abilities. Then she taught me all about nature and why is it important for honkai users to protect it. "The honkai is being created by the nature itself, as the last line of defense. But because of its destructive power, it can also become the first line of offense", one of Sirin's lectures sounded, "When nature feels too much threatened by civilization, it will summon honkai and start a war with it. This war will go on, until the civilization has been eradicated, or learned to respect nature. It was a bit boring to learn about every kind of animal, but the sight of Sirin standing in front of a blackboard in an academy professor outfit was kinda funny.

The last part of the training was about the usage of honkai. I was taught how to use honkai to manipulate the nature and elements around me, to create various weapons, monsters, and even dimensions. I was already able to call Benares, the large honkai dragon that was Sirin's favorite creature. This overgrown lizard took a liking to me and I had to find out in a very... Unpleasant way that it was female.


"Get off me!", I shouted and attempted to crawl out of the grasp of the female honkai dragon which sat on me and held me as if I was her favorite plushy.

In the background, I could hear Sirin laughing herself to death. "Keep trying, it won't work. This is the first time in millennia I saw Benares like someone so much.", she said while catching her breath, "Looks like you got another mate. Sienna will have to share you."

Flashback end

I evaded another honkai monster and summoned a bat, which I used to smash the head of the monster into thousand pieces. I wanted to attack another one, but Sirin interrupted me: "That's enough for today. Let us return to the hideout. You must be hungry by now." I nodded and felt my stomach roar because of hunger.

Location: White Fang Hideout

(3rd person pov)

Emerald and Mercury walked inside of the building, heading straight for Roman. He was looking at a map when they got near. The Criminal looked up and stated tauntingly: "Oh look, she sent the Kids again. This is turning out just like a divorce." He went to them and pulled Emerald and Mercury into a group hug, which they quickly escaped from. "Spare us the thought of you procreating", Emerald said annoyed. "That was a joke. And this", Roman responded, showing a little Paper he stole from the red-eyed girl, "just might tell me where you two have been all day." Emerald seemed to be surprised, that he was able to steal from her. "I'm a professional sweetheart. Pay attention, and maybe you'll learn something." Roman looked at the piece of paper, then he asked: "Why do you have this address?" "Wouldn't you like to know?" Emerald started getting angry. She didn't like this man and his antics. "Yeah, I would.", Roman replied, "Now where have you been all day?" "Cleaning up your problems.", Mercury spoke up, "One of them at least." Roman looked at him frustrated. "I had that under control.", he stated. "Two packed bags and a ticket out of vale said otherwise.", the younger boy countered. "Listen you little punk,", Roman started angrily, "if it were up to me, I would take you and your little street rat here and I would..." He was interrupted by a woman's voice: "Do what, Roman?" Cinder walked out of the shadows and glared at the ginger-haired man. He laughed nervously and said: "I'd uh... not kill them?" "Cinder!", Emerald exclaimed happily. "I thought I made it clear that you were to eliminate the would-be runaway, while Inferno takes care of the Traitor at the police station", Cinder spoke. "Did I miss anything?" The immature voice was easily recognizable, and the fact that the White Fang members started to work faster only confirmed that (Y/N) has returned. The Members of the Fang respected the 13-years old boy. They wanted to make a good impression on him, because of his close relationship with the high leader. Cinder looked at him and said: "I hope that at least you have done what you should."

((Y/N)'s Pov)

"It was a very easy task.", I replied, "I was able to stop him from telling the authorities about us. I didn't even need to wait for night." Cinder looked at me shocked. "You mean to say that you have eliminated him by daylight and most likely with lots of people who noticed you?!", she hissed angrily. I smiled evilly. "Nobody noticed me."




(Imagine yourself to be the Assassin and the corpses guards)

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(Imagine yourself to be the Assassin and the corpses guards)

Flashback end

I could sense the suspicious looks from Roman and Mercury, but I didn't care. They were untouchable as long as they were cooperating with the pack. Once they are no longer needed, they'll turn to prey. Cinder nodded and said: "Have the White Fang clear the building, we're moving to phase 2." Nodded and started giving orders to my packmates, but she continued: "I also came here to speak with you, Inferno. In private." I looked at Cinder and led her to a separated section of the hideout. Once I made sure that no one was listening, I asked: "What's the big deal?" Cinder smirked and said: "When I said I wanted to talk to you, I meant the BOTH of you." Once she told me this, the room around us glitched into a purple tone, Cinder was thrown into a wall, bound by shackles and Sirin manifested in front of her. "How.", she demanded with a furious expression, "How did you know?" Cinder's eyes widened in shock, but she quickly calmed down and said in a cool tone: "My 'Boss' has told me, and her sources are unknown, even to me." She went silent, and after a moment, Cinder began to talk again: "You must be the Spirit that is accompanying Inferno and has given him his powers." "I am.", Sirin confirmed her question, "But the right term for my kind is Herrscher. But YOU will refer to me as 'Your Majesty', human." While she was saying that, she made the shackles on Cinder disappear, so the said woman could move freely. However, she still kept all of us in the void. Cinder looked at the Herrscher with interest in her eyes. "Keep dreaming.", Sirin suddenly spoke up, "You will never achieve my power. And yes, I can read your thoughts.", she told Cinder, who looked shocked and a bit annoyed at the fact, that not even her thoughts were safe from Sirin.

She nodded. "Very well, Your Majesty.", Cinder started, "I would like to know more about your kind and your abilities." I looked at Sirin and once she nodded I started: "Herrschers are born from an energy known as Honkai. It is an otherwordly force of chaos, capable of creating and destroying entire worlds. This energy also creates monsters, diseases, and dimensions, such as the one we're currently in. There are 13 Herrschers. This one here is the Herrscher of the Void, also known as the second Herrscher." "This one", Sirin interrupted me, "also has a name and is one of the strongest Herrschers." I apologized to her and continued: "Only a few humans and Faunus are capable of using honkai, usually only those with a very high respect for nature, or a strong grudge against their kind." "And you are one of them.", Cinder stated the obvious while nodding slowly.

Sirin started to teleport us back to Remnant in the meantime. When I ended my explanation, Cinder assured me that she would not tell anyone about my true power and left. I have the slight feeling that we will be working with her longer than originally planned., I told Sirin. 'You may be right. But we'll worry about it later, I want you to meet someone.'

To be continued... 

The Schnee Herrscher (RWBY x male abused broken Herrscher  reader)Where stories live. Discover now