Chapter 1 - Dazzled on Broadway

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Chapter 1! Enjoy! Don't forget to read the prologue!

 23rd February

Broadway! Ecstatic is an understatement! Today I was offered a voluntary placement as part of my scholarship at the Academy with the John Golden Theatre. I'm to paint set pieces and work with the designers for Wicked! (Prequel to The Wizard of Oz, adapted from the 2003 novel).

Most definitely over the rainbow!


My closest friend and fellow student Robyn and I go out to celebrate, meaning coffee, carrot cake and a trip to the Rizzoli bookstore on Broadway to grab myself a brand spanking new copy of the novel. I've read it once before upon release and I need to refresh my memory. I can only imagine how incredible the production will be!

We have a new uni assignment in the works, too - to produce Expressionism based pieces, with a concept that reflects a part of ourselves. My topic is freedom, and let me tell you why...

I grew up with my parents saying I have my head in the clouds as if it were a bad thing, but if I hadn't, I would have never upped and left London and be pursuing my dream of becoming an artist here in NYC. My idea is a representation of my artistic and social freedom from the confines of other people's ideas of how I should live my life - i.e) My parents.

I am me, my own driving force. I am Ava, twenty two years of age with my whole life ahead of me and I will make sure I make my mark as an artist.


One week later, on a beautiful spring morning, I step off the subway onto the bustling billboarded streets of Broadway, coffee in one hand and my art materials bagged up in the other, slung over my shoulder. A wishy-washy feeling has been with me since breakfast. I was too nervous and far too excited to eat much of it.

With plenty of time to spare, I locate the John Golden Theatre, ruffle my fingers through my dark curls and whisper positive affirmations before I pull open that stage door. It creaks, announcing my entry.

A man in a casual grey sweater approaches with scruffy brown hair and glasses and introduces himself as Greg Daniels. "G'morning. You must be Ava?"

"That's me."

"Hi, I'm Greg, we spoke on the phone - theatre manager."

He compliments my British accent, as he escorts me through the theatre lobby, and in through the backstage corridors. His quick pace tells me he is not a time waster. I hoist my bag a little higher feeling weighted down by its contents as I try to keep up.

"We have a few productions going on right now as well as Wicked upcoming...We're just finishing up West Side Story, then we're about to start running a new play by Theresa Rebeck called Seminar, and we also have the last week of Chicago running... In fact..." he stops so abruptly I almost crash into him. He pushes open a heavy door and peeks through. "Yep, yep...We have a rehearsal going on right now for Seminar, but come through, come through...This theatre seats 804 guests," he announces as we walk on through the bottom tier, closer to the stage.

As I take in the scale of the theatre and gaze upon the stage, I have to pinch myself, doubly so when I hear a certain voice - that voice - the voice I heard at the gallery belonging to...

It's him - Alan Rickman, as clear as day. My heart jolts, attempting to process the moment. He's talking to his fellow actors.

"Noh noh noh. I insist. Jerry, you're coming with me, up you get."

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