Chapter 23 - Liar

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Here's Chapter 23! This fic made #1 in Alan Rickman earlier this week! Thank you for making that happen. To all the readers who comment and message, you are all fab! I hope you enjoy the update. 

So, Ava has just left Alan's car... 


It was just like dejavu, except ten times more alarming - who should be standing there at the front door of the porch in the dark when I returned, but Amelia with her arms folded and a smirk pulling at the corner of face as if she'd just pocketed the world's biggest kept secret and had it ready to use to her advantage. It was just like when Lizzy caught me with Alan, but worse, much worse.

"Wait until mum finds out about this."

"Amelia, I am not a child. It has nothing to do with you or anyone else, so leave it out."

"I know he's the only reason you came back to London," she says, blocking my entrance to the house. Her nose wrinkles in disgust. "It's revolting. He's older than dad."

"Do you want me to help out with mum or not?" I push, trying to keep the noise down at this time of night, arms wrapped around myself, shuddering outside.

"The question is whether you want to help. It was never on your agenda, was it? It was all about...Al-an." She says his name in mocking childish manner.

"H-how do you know wh-who told you?"

Her eyebrows flick with arrogance. "Wouldn't you love to know."

"Tell me."

"Do something for me and I'll do something for you."

My eyes bore into hers. "What..."

"Ask Mr sugar daddy of yours to cough up some cash."

"What!" Am I hearing this right?

"It'll help towards mum's counselling."

"No. Absolutely not, and he's not my sugar daddy."

Amelia turns on one foot, cranes her neck and raises her tone into the night. "Oh, then I'll just have to fill mum in on what you've been doing for the past few months and why you've been ignoring her calls..."

"Stop. Amelia! Stop it.."

"...and what or rather WHO you've been doing with your time."

Amelia obnoxiously pivots to go inside, but I swiftly take her arm, speaking firmly.

"Amelia, please. Why?"

"Because you need to be taught a lesson on how selfish you've been."

"Mum's been selfish toward me for years, completely pushed me out, so have you, so have all of you! You're lucky that i'm here, and as for Alan...Alan is my business. He has nothing to do with you or mum or anybody, so don't bring him into this."

"I won't make him anybodies business if you get the money. If you do that I won't say a word."

We stare each other down. "Tell me who told you."

Am I considering this? Am I really considering this? Do I really need to know that badly who let the secret out about Alan and I? I do. I have to protect what we have. If mum found out about this then it would open the flood gates and be a disaster. She may as well put up flyers all over London with 'WANTED' pasted over it in big bold letters and Alan's photo slapped in the centre.

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