Chapter 10 - My Room, 10:30

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Hey readers! Here's the new chapter after Alan told Ava to meet him in his dressing room 😏 Enjoy! It's a hot one!!


After the production, I head to the bar with my parents, Amelia and Lizzy. All the time I am clock-watching anticipating Alan's ten thirty request, and like the "good little girl" I am, I am determined to find a way and to get there unnoticed. Luckily the bar is packed - mum could talk the ear off whomever she wanted whilst Amelia busied herself searching for 'cute guys.' Dad...well, he was looking out for Amelia.

Just before nine thirty, Lizzy twists her ankle and drunkly falls into a booth seat, laughing and crying simultaneously. Someone shouts for ice.

"Are you sure it's not broken?"

"No, noooo," Lizzy sniffs. I'll be fine. I'll just order a taxi and I'll call it a night. Are you coming Ava? What's the time? Does anyone have the time?"

Ah. Awkward. I explain to Lizzy that I should stay with my parents. I feel bad for deserting her, but I wasn't about to miss the opportunity to be alone with Alan for anybody.

10:30 arrives and the butterflies are colliding in a frenzy as I approach his door, looking over my shoulders. No one. With four little knocks, the door opens and behind it, Alan stands in white shirt and suit pants looking divine.

"Gosh, aren't you punctual," he smirks, letting me past.

"Ten thirty on the dot."

The door isn't the only thing he locks, as his lips draw to mine in a long tender kiss.

" darling...look ab-sol-utely stunning this evening. His large hands draw to my waist, his lips to my neck where he whispers in a seductive tone enough to melt my centre. "I've been dying to kiss you ever since your little showdown in the elevator."

Gosh he smells divine - spicy, sexy. I run my fingers through the nape of his peppery hair enjoying the warmth of his lips. With a kiss to my ear, he places my hands to his belt buckle.

"Care to resume where you left off?"

Do I ever. I undo his buckle eagerly and dip into his trousers to feel his thick cock greet me, warm in his boxers. My hand palms the length of him feeling his manhood grow in my grasp - warm, stiff.

"How about a little kiss darling?" He purrs.

He smirks against me with other ideas when I kiss him on the mouth. Did he mean...oh.

Shyly, I smile, my lashes fluttering, cheeks flushing. I look up to see those amber eyes glistening, his teeth lightly pressing to his lip to tame his naughty smile. Without a word, Alan leads me over to the couch. The ambience in the room, I'm sure was planned - the only lighting comes from a lamp that stands in the corner. As I sit beside him, in the crook of his arm, he adjusts his trousers and reveals his more than excited cock that springs proudly to life from his suit pants. I smile, laughing under my breath. He seems to find it endearing as he smiles into our kiss. Our tongues caress, as he places my hand to his thick erection and slowly strokes up and down, until eventually his hand disappears and I'm on my own.

"Alan, I don't know what I'm doing..." I whisper, but within the same breath, willing to do anything for this man, I am gathering my black dress and on my knees on the couch.

He sits so handsomely - his top two shirt buttons loose, his peppery hair shaggily styled, his expression confident but within it a sexual anticipation. He never hurries me, and does the opposite, splaying his fingers through my dark curls to push them aside so he can enjoy every moment.

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