Chapter 20 - Our Kind of Perfect

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Hey everyone! Based on your feedback from Ava's 'list,' this chapter came to be! It's a hot one! I hope you enjoy it ;) From the last update, Ava had just reached London and I cut it purposely in the middle of a scene. In this chapter, that scene continues. 


Cont from ch19...

"Owh we're shy now are we?" Alan takes me gently by the chin with his thumb and forefinger. "You can't hide behind a screen with me, Ava. I'm far too old for that." He looks me deep in the eyes with his intense amber gaze, and whispers, "Tell me what you desire, pretty girl. I want to hear you say those explicit little things on your list."


I lay straddling him with his erection grazing my inner thigh. His shoulders are two firm masculine supports beneath my hands as we kiss with his fingers combing through the dark roots of my hair. Alan has a way of touching me that ignites flames through my core - deep licks of flames that travel up between my legs to my navel. Gosh how I missed this, how I missed him. This man makes me weak. I lay on his chest like a submissive little kitten, playful and willing, rubbing my bottom teasingly against his meaty inches that slip between my cheeks.

"Tell me," he whispers against my lips. "That little fantasy of yours."

"I want...I want you to tie me up." I whisper.

"Oooh..." Alan drawls with a smile into my mouth. I continue with a sultry kiss.

"Blindfold me...Eat me, eat me like there's no tomorrow."

He responds with a devilish growl and wastes no time in fetching a couple of his ties from his walk-in closet. I watch him from the bed, playfully ogling his full delicious bobbing erection.

"Young lady, this is not a time to have the giggles," his brow raises conjoined in a comedic but sexually playful energy which he does it so well.

"You could poke someone's eye out with that thing."

"Is that another fantasy of yours? Shush now," he affirms with a smirk, regaining control over the situation. "It's play time."

Facing one another in a sitting position, Alan slips the length of a tie silkily through his fingers in a sexually theatrical manner that makes me blush. Every movement is calculated to perfection - the way he takes my hands, to the way he ties my wrists together at my front - our gaze - locked. He delivers every action as if it were a show - perhaps it's the nature of being an actor, that allows him to stay focussed. His intensity causes my cheeks to blush, my lips to be nibbled in anticipation. I lay back at Alan's request in a vat of cozy pillows where he raises my tied wrists above my head. His eyes wonder delectably over my bare breasts, presenting another tie - it's dark silk purposely brushing across my torso between my mounds, leaving a flutter in its trail. With my trust instilled in him, I close my eyes behind the silk of his tie.

My senses are instantly heightened - to Alan's touch, his taste, the smell of his after shave, the sound of his deep velvety voice. Two large hands run in synchronised patterns over my shoulders, taking the curve of my breasts. I feel the heat of him hovering above me, his stiff cock with a mind of it's own tracing wet patterns over my lower stomach. Alan's lips run passionately over my collar bone, to my gently heaving breasts that are cupped and toyed with. Sounds of sweet relief fill his bedroom - my sighs gentle, his kisses deep and bassy into a hungry deep suck. The harder my nipples, the more vocal I become. Each one is toyed with, swirled with his wet tongue and thumbed to follow in a circular caress. My thighs vice Alan's body as the shards he elicits through my nipples send pulsing waves deep within me.

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