Author's note

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Apologies for not updating  in my usual 1-2 week time frame. 

A few days before Christmas, my Nan passed away from covid and it absolutely shattered my heart. Even at 94, she wasn't ready to leave this world and neither was I prepared for it. This Christmas was also the first Christmas without my Dad, so over this past week I've felt as though I'm walking around in a surreal daze. Parts of it, I know, haven't even sunk in yet.

At the moment I'm trying to find my balance and I'm coping better than I was a few days ago, but there are many hurdles yet to overcome and realities to face going forward. Those who have lost someone I'm sure will be familiar with the process mentally and physically that we go through when we loose a loved one. 

As for this story - creativity and writing has always been there for me for means of escape and the last thing she would ever want me to do is sit and mope. She was such a positive soul - so positive that I still feel her light and in ways it doesn't comprehend that she's gone. 

This is a heads up if my chapters don't come as frequent as you'd like. I'm currently in a new chapter myself and certainly wasn't ready to turn the page...

I'm fully invested in this story and it absolutely 'will' continue. Your feedback has been amazing, as with my other books, thank you. Please know that for the time being, chapters 'may' be posted later than usual. The next chapter - a very important one to the story - is half way completed (before I received news) and I'm going to try and write a little more on it tonight. I have a feeling it may do me some good. 

Thank you everyone for understanding  <3 

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