Chapter 30 - Dad vs Daddy

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Happy to be treating you to another chapter so soon! 

Enjoy!! Thanks a tonne to my readers and voters and your comments. They always make me smile and laugh <3 

Please note, there is some more Italian language in this, but to save any confusion (and Google searches!) I've added the English for you also.

Let's go! 


Panic hits, secondly anger, and thirdly my foot on the thick mahogany bed post. Alan hears me yelping and calls through from the bathroom.

"Just...stubbed my toe. I'm-ah-alright."

He jokingly blames it on the wine. I thumb through my phone swiping away the missed calls and read back over Dad's text messages...

"Ava, answer your phone right now."

"I know all about him."

Amelia. How dare my sister open her mouth to Dad! And Lizzy! If it hadn't been for her blurting out about Alan and I in the first place, Amelia wouldn't have a clue. I can just imagine the drama now if my mother found out, especially this way. She'll blow it up and make my life hell.

The door clicks open and Alan appears from the bathroom in nothing but grey bottoms. I throw my phone aside, take a deep breath and smile, exhaling the negativity, or trying to.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

"Of course."

He puts his arms around me, delighted to feel my nakedness - there was no time to put on lingerie - and together we sink into the bedsheets. His kisses, tender and deep press to my neck.

"Your heart is racing..." he says, but in a way of concern.

"Must be those jogging bottoms," I smirk.

He playfully reaches into the bed groping my naked body in search of my foot to inspect it and puts it over his shoulder. There is a look in his eye of playfulness, yet he maintains an air of control, slowly slinking down my body with kisses until his shaggy salt and pepper head is between my legs and his soft lips are sucking tenderly at my clit. The sensation. Oh, the sensation. Slow pulses rise up into my belly. My arms spread in the crisp sheets and my open legs are wide and welcoming to the man that loves me.

The chance was there to forget about everything and I took it, but in the morning Dad's text messages and missed calls loomed as an omen. I should be waking up in Alan's arms - the only thing I should be running my fingers across, not my phone screen. Alan must be in the kitchen.

"Ava I'm your father! Pick up your phone. Why are you not in New York? We need to know you're safe."

And one from, surprisingly, Lizzy. "Hi honey, I know we haven't really had the chance to speak since that night. Alan has no doubt shared his side of the coin... You yourself know that stories come with two sides. I've missed you. I just want to let you know that I've had your Dad get in contact with me. He said you got on a plane with Alan. He's very worried about you."

WHAT! How dare she condescend me and how the hell does Dad know I caught a plane? I refuse to believe it. Something isn't right.

"I know exactly what you're trying to do," I text back, "Don't play so innocent Lizzy. You're a conniving bitch."

I hit the send button furiously.

A few moments later, dressed in a thin silk robe and needing fresh air, I open the balcony doors in the bedroom. A warm breeze caresses my skin. I try to calm myself but a feeling of nausea comes over me and I spend the next few minutes in the bathroom trying not to vomit.

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