Chapter 11 - Guilty Pleasures

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Happy Sunday everyone! Nice long HOT chapter for you to enjoy ;) 

Alan and I managed to leave the theatre undetected. Keeping our "little secret" meant that we avoided the bar area and left via the backstage door where the two of us - far too tipsy to drive - head back to my apartment in a taxi. Alan wanted to make sure I got home safe and so he came back to my place. I wasn't complaining. My parents and sister may be however when they realise I'm nowhere to be found. One quick text to Amelia to say I have a headache and have gone home, and I'd ticked a box. I am far more focussed on the man next to me, to be coming up with anything more. 

The bright lights of New York illuminate the back of the dark taxi as we ride to my place

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The bright lights of New York illuminate the back of the dark taxi as we ride to my place. Teasing kisses seal the space between us whilst my hand runs greedily over Alan's firm thigh. His climbs the peeking flesh of my dress slit.

"You have very sexy legs," he purrs, against my jaw with a seductive kiss. A soft delighted hum leaves my throat that's caressed in his kisses. I can't help but smile running my fingers through the nape of his shaggy hair, enjoying our moment. Oh, I almost forgot, we aren't alone...

In front of us the taxi driver - who is probably about Alan's age - flits his eyes from the road to gaze back at us in his mirror. A young lady and a much older man - how scandalous. I feel him watching us and bring my leg up so that my dress slit reveals my entire thigh. Alan's hand draws to it as I whisper against his cheek, in my most seductive voice...

"When we get to my place...will you come inside?"

"Owh a double ententdre - I like that very much," he purrs. We smile into our kiss, watched by the driver's fixed stare.

Twenty minutes later and we are writhing passionately under the sheets of my bed with a trail of clothing over the floor - heels, my dress, Alan's belt that was quickly whipped from his suit pants - all stripped within seconds. I run my hands over his strong arms either side of my shoulders as he kneels between my spread legs.

In the darkened room, the towering lights of New York glisten through the window, highlighting every glorious part of his body - his tensed arms, his broad shoulders... Best of all I have the pleasure of gazing downwards between our bodies to watch his cock filling me in deep long strokes. I bring my legs up to his hips just to watch him sink into me. He is magnificent. Alan enjoys every moment - that delicious frown in his brow tells me so, the bass-like groans, the trickle of lubrication between my backside that's already pouring from my core.

A feeling as pleasurable can make me want to slow it down and experience every little motion, but want to speed up, to be deeply taken even if it does mean we finish quicker. My greed gets the better of me.


He takes me deeper, harder, the bed springs start to screech over our moment and I can't help but laugh despite the soaring sensations in my body. I'm a writhing, gasping, giggling mess.

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