Chapter 15 - A Birthday Surprise

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Chapter 15! Fluff, drama, HEAT! 

In this chapter I've added Emma Thompson and Juliet Stevenson who were so fun to write! If anyone hasn't listened to the podcast where Juliet - along with Alan's brother's - speak about him, you NEED to hear it! It actually gave @sephine87 and I a lot of inspo for this fic and also confirmed a lot things we thought to be true. It gives a more personal insight into Alan. Google - Alan Rickman - A Life Lived. It comes in two parts. Thank me later :P 


"Amelia! Amelia, I can't talk now I'm heading into work," I urge, inching the phone away from my ear. "I have to go." Lucas, who has just crossed the street carrying the morning coffee order is coming toward me.

"Ava!" Amelia yells. "Are you coming back to London next month? It's not fair that I have to deal with this alone."

Amelia is in tears again over our parental split. Being in London and living at home means she is prime witness to mum's newly increasing alcohol consumption and drunken rants. Mum never really drank more than a couple of glasses of wine in the evenings, but over the last week it's quadrupled. "Dad is completely ignoring her!"

Apparently mum's mornings now consist of Aspirin, concealer and glasses to hide her puffy eyes.

"If she carries on like this she'll loose her job! Someone is bound to notice. This morning I had to remind her to brush her hair."

"Amelia...I'm sorry, I-I have to go now."

"Ava! What are you doing? You know Lucas told me that it wasn't his jacket at your apartment that night of the Wicked Premiere, so who's was it? Is that why you're so preoccupied? Are you seeing someone??"

"Bye Amelia..."


"Hi Ava," Lucas greets, "You okay?"

"Oh, yeah-yeah, good," I flap, shoving my phone in my bag. I feel the instant angry vibration from Amelia's redial.

" issues. We can't choose them can we."

"We sure can't," he sighs. "Anything I can help you with? You know if ever you need to talk to anyone..."

"I know. Thanks Lucas."

Despite the little mishap that happened between Lucas and I after our coffee 'date' a few weeks ago, he's been decent and mature about it since. I really didn't mean to hurt him by saying I'd agreed to the date just because I didn't want to disappoint him. He wasn't supposed to overhear it when I told it to Lizzy, but I could hardly say that I wasn't interested because I was seeing someone four times my age, could I? Speaking of Lizzy, Lucas asks me if she is doing alright. This is the forth day she's been off sick now and no one is privy as to why.

It takes three buzzes and a missed call before Lizzy answers her apartment door in the evening. She does so in sweat pants and a long khaki cardigan, wrapping it around herself in either self-consciousness or because she's sick - that which I can't differentiate. Perhaps both. Under her loose red curls, two heavy eyes sit sleepless and troubled. Alas, she manages a smile.

"Hi honey what are you doing here?" She squints in the May sunshine.

"Coming to see if you're ok? I haven't heard from you. I was worried. Lucas was asking about you too."

She touches her face, brushing back her hair as well as my need for inquiry.

"How's everything going with the set? I hope you guys are't behind. I'm sorry, I feel so bad for le-"

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