Chapter 29 - Bellissima

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Tuscan sunshine, romance and sexiness. Enjoy!!

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Tuscany. The man that is "falling in love with me" wants me to spend an entire week with him at his villa. I couldn't be happier. I don't think it ever left my mind for one moment since the day Alan mentioned it - images of rolling hills, luscious green landscapes, rustic architecture, quaint little towns and romantic beaches. Ignoring the missed calls from my sister, an upcoming exhibition I'm yet to find inspiration for as well as three unfinished commission pieces in my living room, I relax back into my window seat gazing down at the the wispy clouds we're swept into.

"I feel like I'm missing something," I announce, "like there's something I didn't pack."

Alan turns his head with comedic languidness. "Ava..." his voice is flat and to the point. "There's isn't anything you didn't pack. You sounded like a one-man-band walking through that airport. It's a wonder people didn't toss coins at you."

My laughter draws the attention of a couple nearby in the centre aisle - a girl my age and her boyfriend, who quickly look away when I make eye contact. It isn't the first time I've seen her looking either. She's been looking ever since Alan and I first took our seats. She's spent the entire time trying to figure out why a twenty three year old would be with a man in his sixties, I can tell. 'It equates to none of your bloody business' I feel like saying.

It made me think of Robyn. A few days ago we fell out again. I hadn't said a word - I didn't need to. Robyn figured it out herself when I met up with her and Gina on my day off and the contents of my 'holiday shop' spilled out on the coffee shop floor. Robyn caught sight of a sexy silk robe, tiny undies and a bikini I had purchased, and that was that.

Gina's brows shot up in surprise. I quickly stuffed the items back in the bag and laughed it off, and it would have probably been left at that if Robyn hadn't of jumped in and said something.

"I knew you were back with him. I could sense it in you. After all that he put you through, too. You're out of your fucking mind. You're as crazy as that that other woman he's messing with."

Let's just say it escalated. I left before she had the chance to preach further. Robyn and I were real good friends once upon a time, but oh how things have changed. I've come to realise that the only time Robyn is supportive, is if someone is doing what she believes is the right choice for them. She likes to dictate. Gina, who had once been an advocate for Alan and I, stayed quiet that day and said nothing more than, "Just be careful Ava."

I don't need either of them.


On board our thirteen and a half hour flight. Alan places a leather bound book with a tonne of paper sticking out of it in front of him - a compilation of script notes, highlighted, underlined and circled - importance which will be reflected upon, condensed and reconstructed. A master of his craft is one with great observation skills.

"Is this the new script?" I ask.

"It is," he says, quietly, flipping though the pages. I know not to disturb him, and instead I turn to my sketchbook wondering when he's going to announce his official departure date to London to direct this new play. The feeling is a sinking one, knowing we'll be away from each other again for a few months.

He reads me and places a kiss to my temple, "Don't worry about that now."

I kiss his lips, lingering a little. When I open my eyes, who do I see with her eyes in this direction - ol' Sherlock Holmes to my right. I do the same again, but this time run a hand over Alan's thigh.

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