Chapter 2: New Girls New Friendships

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Delila's POV,

I was sitting with Tamsin in English, on Friday morning, bored of Romeo and Juliet, and the teacher talking on and on and on. That's when two new girls walked in with the principal. New girls! Either they'll be nice or they'll be slutty. There's always this option.

"Thank you Mr Darren, class, these are your new students, Jessica and Danielle!" Our teacher Miss Smith says enthusiastically. I send them a friendly smile, and they sit on mine and Tamsin's table, since we are the only two on it.

"Hey, I'm Delila," I introduce myself.

"And I'm Tamsin," Tamsin joins in.

"Hey, that teacher is so annoying already, I prefer being called Jess, and that's Danielle," Jess speaks.

"OMG your accent!" Tamsin freaks out.

"Miss Ball please keep your voice down and listen to the play!" Miss Smith tells Tamsin off but we just kid of wave her off.

"Yeah, we are exchange students from England, but our parents are actually moving here, so we'll end up staying," Danielle tells us. They look alike, I'm guessing they're twins, obviously in our year. Danielle had long straight brown hair and gorgeous eyes, Jess had blonde hair which was in a fish plait and also beautiful eyes.

"You guys can stick with us if you want, I'll introduce you to my brother and his mates, we seem mad, but we're fine once you get to know us!" I giggle with Tamsin.

Soon English is over and we have break, and I take the girls to our table where we always sit and as expected everyone was there. Tamsin sprinted into Beaus arms, while I sat on Daniel.

"Oi fatty get off!" He groans but I don't move.
"Jess, Danielle, meet: Beau, Luke, Jai, James, and my stinky brother Daniel, also known as Skip!" I finish pointing to each of the boys, except for Daniel, I just wiggle on his lap.
"You know, it's weird wiggling on your brothers lap!" Aaron States. I smile and hop off Daniel before giving Aaron a quick kiss.

"This is my boyfriend, Aaron," I introduce the girls. "I believe that everyone!" I smile. We sit and chat for all of break, and then later all of lunch as well. I feel like both pairs of twins will get along really well. Maybe Jess and Jai? Luke and Danielle?

The rest of the school day goes past quickly.
"Wanna invite everyone around? It's Friday and mum and dad are out," Daniel suggests as Tamsin, him and I are walking to our car.
"Sure, Tamsin text them?" I suggest and she does so.

"You waiting to say goodbye to Aaron?" Skip asks.

"I don't know," I sigh. One minute we fight and I don't want to see him, the next we're fine and in bed. I don't feel much like his girl, more like his sex toy. I feel like I'm just getting used. But I can't stop anything with Aaron, I love him too much to do that.

"Well look like you don't have a choice as he's here, we'll wait in the car," Tamsin point to Aaron walking with his football friends. I can't stand them, they all always try to chat me up the moment I'm not walking with Aaron.

"Hey babe, come around later?" He winks at me and his friend whistle.

"I'm having the new girls over," I mumble against his lips.

"Well screw them, I want to be alone with you," he pulls me closer to him, his fingers digging into my arm.

"Alright fine, I'll leave later though," I say and he lets go of me.

"I'll be expecting you, don't you dare turn me down," he forcefully kisses me before walking off with his friends. I make my way back to the car, rolling down my sleeves so Daniel doesn't see the marks as I climb into the front.

"Jess and Danielle will be dropped off at 5, the rest of the boys are waiting at our house," Daniel says as he pulls out.

"Yeah sorry, had to say bye to Aaron," I fake a smile.
"They're here!" I shout as I open the door.

"Helllloooo!" I hug them both and let them come in.

"Let me show you to the living room, it's a room full of mattresses, as it's where we're all staying tonight!" I show them to the living room where everyone is watching 'America's next top model'.

It's not long before we decide to play truth or dare, so the girls can get to know us better, and us to get to know them.

"Jess, truth or dare?" Luke asks Jess.

"Easy, dare," she smiles. Luke looks at Jai who shoots him a 'don't you fucking dare' look.

"I dare you to make out with Jai!" Luke says pleased with his dare, Jai on the other side didn't know how to act. We, who knew him, knew that he wanted to kiss her, but he obviously wasn't sure if she wanted to. Before we knew it Jess attached her lips to Jai's and they made out.

"Erm, you can stop now..." Luke scratches the back of his neck as it gets heated. Jai winks at Jess as she sits back where she sat.

"Danielle your turn," Skip asks Danielle.

"Erm, truth," she shyly says.

"Oh my god you're such a pussy," Jess hits her playfully.

"Shut up," Danielle rolls her eyes and waits for her truth.

"If you had to date one of us boys, who would it be?" Skip asks her. I sigh, he couldn't of think of a better dare?

"Erm, probably, erm, Luke?" She answers looking at Luke before looking at the ground.

"Why Luke and not me? I mean we're practically the same..." Jai asks her.

"Because Luke has made an effort to talk to me while you haven't," Danielle answers him. Burn. My phone goes off and I excuse myself to take it. I go into the kitchen and answer it.

"Hey babe," Aaron's voice rings through my ears.

"Urm hey," I reply.

"You coming then or do I have to get someone else?" He asks. Wait what? He'd get someone else? But he's got me!

"No, I'm coming now," I answer and make my way to my room to get some clothes, I'll end up staying all of the night...

"Where are you off to?" Daniel asks as I walk through the living room.

"Oh, to see Aaron, sorry guys, enjoy your night!" I smile at them and make my way out of the door.

"Delila!" James shouts my name and I stop, taking out my headphones.

"What you doing here?" I ask James.

"Why do you go whenever he asks? You're not a toy to be played with," he sincerely asks concerned.

"Because if I don't he'll get someone else," I raise my voice at James without meaning to.

"Then he's not worth it is he? There's so many boys out there that'd treat you so much better!" He says calmly back.

"What like you?" I say without thinking. He doesn't say anything, just looks into the distance.

"Thanks for the concern James, it means a lot, but Aaron is waiting for me." I thank him.

"I hope you know what you're doing," he sighs and walks back to mine. All the way to Aaron's I think of what James has told me. When I arrive he sees me out of the window and comes to the door. He picks me up and spins me around.

"Aaron what are you doing?" I giggle as he puts me down.

"Just showing you how much I love you," he smiles. I smile back and attach my lips to his.
Delila why are you so stupid?
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