Chapter 27: Why Her?

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Delila's POV,
Waking up with James next to me made me smile. His hand draped over my waist. I'm just glad that we are Okaii now, I mean, I don't know if we're back together but this will do for now.

"Morning babe," he says in his husky morning voice, literally killing me.

"Morning James," I turn around and snuggle into him. I love it when he stays around, because the smell off him always lingers on the bedsheets and pillows, making it easier to fall asleep next day.

"We have school," he mumbles against my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"Oh crap," I start to panic and look at the time, only to find out it's only half 6, we have time.

"Calm it babe, we'll be fine, why don't you get changed and I'll go home to get my uni? Then I'll pick you up?" He suggests and I lean into him, not really wanting him to go a single meter away from me.

"Fine," I sigh and connect my lips with his. Our lips move in sync and I was about to deepen the kiss when there was a knock on the door. What could someone want right now?

"Yeah?" I pull away from James's lips but stay cuddles into him. The door slowly opens and Daniel pokes his head around.

"Oh, I didn't know James stayed," he scratches the back of his neck. "I mean, I don't mind it, I just didn't know," he pauses. "Anyway, I was coming to tell you that if you want a lift in hurry as I'm going to Rikki's" he finishes.

"James said he'll give me a lift in, and you're skiving again?" I lift an eye brow. He's been missing a lot of school, meaning Rikki has too.

"Nah, just a few lesson but we'll be in for lunch," he shrugs and walks out.

"Him and Rikki are such badasses," James chuckles. "We could skive too you know," he shrugs.

"No James, let's not be like my brother, plus I haven't been going in much lately anyway, and think my grades are lagging behind a bit," I kiss him before standing up and going to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, and wash my face before slipping on my uniform. Eugh, I can't wait to leave at the end of the year, no more stupid uniform. When I walk out there's a note on my bed:

'I've gone to get changed baby, will be back soon, J xxx'

I smile to myself and go to my make up table putting on foundation, white eye shadow, black eye liner, mascara and some red lipstick. Perfect. I want to make sure that Rhiannon gets the idea that she's not going to break James and I apart, I like him too much. In fact, I think I love him! I don't think, I know.

I get my school bag and put my charger in, along with my books I'll need for today and my pencil case. I don't like keeping my stuff in my locker much, people can easily guess your password and search through your stuff.

"Babe you ready?" James walks through my bedroom door, his hair in a perfect quiff even though he had his bike helmet on. How he does that I'll never understand.

"I think so, kind of dreading going in today, but I'll have you right?" I smile at him, grabbing my bag and walking closer to him.

"Of course Deli, you had breakfast?" He then asks.

"Nah, not that hungry to be honest," I bite my lip and look down. To be honest, I've not been eating properly since the whole 'mum and James' thing. And even though James and I are okaii now, my appetite for food hasn't come back. I doubt that it's a beginning of an eating disorder, but you never know.

"Deli, look at you! You're so skinny, I could probably count your ribs through your skin! Your perfect and you should really eat more, you mean the world to me and I'd hate to loose you now that I got you back," he finishes his long speech. I look up at him and find worry in his eyes.

"You won't loose me James, I'm not that dumb to not eat at all, just my appetite for eating has kind of disappeared." I shrug and hug him. I instantly breathe in his scent and my whole body relaxes.

"Why don't you grab yourself an apple and we'll get to school?" He suggests as we pull away, and I just simply nod.

"I don't really wanna go to maths, Rhiannon will be there," I try to convince James to skive the lesson, when earlier I was the one telling him to go into school. Why was I so stupid? Staying at home and cuddling with James seemed to be just what I wanted to be honest.

"She won't say anything, sit with me eh? No one will say anything I promise," he strokes my hair calming me down, before pecking my lips gently and leading me into the class room. We're already like five minutes late but the teacher isn't even in. She's always late.

"James!" Jai walks up to us, we'll more like to James than me.

"Sup bro?" They do this man hug sort of thing that I never understand. I look around and find that Rhiannon isn't even in the class yet, and feel as if a ton of bricks gets lifted off of my shoulders.

But then she comes in, with, wait what? She comes in hiding hand with... Aaron? What the hell? Since when? Why? She sees me and smirks then connects her fat lips with his small ones. I remember the way he softly used to kiss me. Those times are old, they don't matter, but why Rhiannon? Before I know it I've packed my stuff and walked out of the lesson. Why do I always end up doing stupid things?

Hey! Hope you like it!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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