Chapter 42: Touring?

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Delila's POV,

Tour? Away? For months? If I can't go, how am I supposed to be able to make it without them? Rikki has her own family to go back to, it's just me who has no one but Skip and James. It's not my fault that everyone likes to leave me, is it? What if it is? And I am the one pushing people away when they don't deserve to be? Maybe I just don't open up enough to have enough people liking me? What if that's just it?

I mean, I'm only popular in school because my brother is in the famous Janoskians. Wait, I don't even go back to school, it's summer, and after it, what will I do after summer? Of course the boys won't be able to stay here all the time, I'd be so fucking naive to think so. But how can I last for a few months without them? They'll be thousands of miles away from me. What if something happens to them and I'm not there? What if something happens to me? Who on earth would not want me to go with them?

I guess I get the fact that I'm not part of the Janoskians and therefore should not be going, but who am I if they all go and leave me behind?

"Can I come in?" I recognize Luke's voice from anywhere.

"Always," I say in a small voice, I don't want to cry, I don't have a reason really do I?

"James should of come up not me to be honest," Luke sighs and sits next to me, engulfing me in a hug.

"Does it matter? Plus, you're still my best friend, no matter what you know? We hardly get time together anymore to be honest, and now..." I pause. "Now you're going away for god knows how long.." I sigh.

"We shall make sure you come Lila. All of us, we want you there, I can't imagine leaving you here alone." He kisses the top of my head. I miss being so close to Luke, I've always told everyone how close we are.

"What if I can't? I can't even stay with your mum, Gina always goes with you." I make a point and look up at Luke.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to take you mind off of it all," He smirks, his fingers intertwining with mine and a smile plastered on my face.

"I know, thank you, I know you mean well." I smile and we both sit on my bed.

"You know, I was thinking of actually growing my beard out you know? Like, since I'm the only one who can grow facial hair properly you know? Make all of the other boys jealous!" He chuckles to himself looking in the mirror across the wall and feeling his face.

"Ew no, I ain't kissing you if you do that!" I stick my tongue out at him.

"What? Why on earth not? I mean, it's just a bit of facial hair... it's not like it's pubes or anything..." he says causing me to burst out laughing.

"Well it could be considered as pubes, on the face," I say in between laughter.

"Well, you'd seriously not kiss me if I grown a beard?" He asks.

"I don't know, probably not..." I say seriously.

"Fine then!" He says in a huff.

"Can you maybe, I don't know, stay the night here?" I ask nervously, I don't want to sleep here alone tonight. I want him to hold me, and I want him to hold me close.

"Skip won't mind will he?" James checks.

"Nah, he knows I'm upset and want you here, after all, he's the one who got me to sort it out with you." I honestly answer.

"Alright then, anything for you Deli bear." He smiles. I love that nick names he has given me.


Oooo! Will she be able to go on tour with them or not? COMMENT! Lemme know if you're enjoying the book and what's been your favorite part so far!
~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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