Chapter 8: Climbing Through The Window

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Delila's POV,

"Aaron!" I shout but he puts his hand over my mouth.

"Delila!" He turns me around so I am facing him, and I can see the worry in his eyes. It's the Aaron I remember falling in love with.

"Hun what's up? I saw you running off, so I followed, but lost you when you ran in here." He opens his hands, offering me a hug. I run into his chest and his hands wrap themselves around me, and I cry into his chest.

"He said he liked me, then he, he" I can't even speak because of the sobs that are escaping.

"Shh Delila, it's alright," He strokes my back and places one soft kiss on my forehead. We stand there in that moment, not caring about the world. Then Aaron breaks the silence.

"Want a lift home?" He offers.

"Would that be ok? I mean, I can walk but-" I get interupted.

"It'd be too far to walk Lila, let me give you a lift." And with that he picked me up bridal style, causing me to giggle.

"Aaron I can walk to your car," I say still giggling and hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

"Delila it's fine!" He insists and carries me to his car. He unlocks it and places me in tha passanger seat, before closing the door and walking to his side and getting in. He smiled at me and placed my favourite cd in his car into the cd reader and started the engine.

"I talk a load of shit when I'm drinking baby," we both sing as he drives out of the car park and makes his way to mine. All the way we are singing along to The Vamps cd, enjoying the moment together. This is what I fell in love with, this is the guy that I knew. I don't know why he then became abusive. When we arrived at mine he stopped the engine and looked at me.

"I know I've lost you now, and I hope that James realises just how god damn special you are, because I've missed my chance." He sighs at the end, then sends me a sad smile. I lean in and place a small kiss on his lips, a last kiss.

"I hope the same thing, but Aaron, you're important to me, and I want to stay in touch, even if it's just as friends." I smile at him. "And thank you for the lift!" I then add. He nods and I open the car door, then shut it again and make my way inside.

"Delila?" I hear Daniel's panicked voice shout as I shut the front door behind me.

"Yup, that's me..." I sadly say. Daniel runs up to me and hugs me.

"I was so worried about you!" He lets out a held breath.

"Why Daniel? It's just me, nothign special..." I sigh.

"Lila what's up with you? I'd loose it if something happened to you, and I wouldn't forgive myself!" He stands back and looks me in the eyes.

"I don't know, everything just seems pointless now," I shrug.

"Now that what? What happened?" his eyes show how worried he is.

"Nothing, I guess I just didn't get much sleep last night, I wouldn't worry, I'll just go up and get some rest," I send him a fake smile and he shrugs, letting me go past him and up the stairs. As soon as I get in I shut the door behind me and cry. I slide down the door and cry into my knees, making sure they are silent sobs so Daniel don't hear.

A few minutes went by and I decided that it's about time I got myself back together. I stand back and walk over to the full lenght mirror, only to be horrified of the reflection and the girl who is looking back at me. My make up is all over the place, and my face is as pale as it could be. I get my make up wipes and clear my face, before re applying some foundation, nothing more though. I change into a comfortable belly top and my loose PJ bottoms before lying on my bed with my MacBook.

1 Text from: James
Hey Deli, we need to talk, I'm outside, but don't let Daniel know, James xxx

1 Text to: James
Why? But fine, come back garden, I'll open my window :/ xxx

I text him back and opened my window like I said I would. The advantage of our house is that there's a shed right by my window. I see James and he sends me a small simle, before climbing on top of the shed, then through my window, shutting it after him.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper at him.

"I had to see you Deli, I know you ran off because of Rhiannon, and I know I was a dick. I had to do this." He whispers then takes me hand. He slowly intertwines our fingers then looks into my eyes. I focus on his, and his other hand strokes my cheek, sending shivers up and down my spine. The temptation to kiss him was too much, but soon I was put out of my misery. James leaned in slowly, getting closer and closer, then stopping just before my lips. I felt his hot breath on my lips, and I wanted to taste his lips.

"Kiss me already!" I whisper through gritted teeth, and with that James smiles, connecting his lips with mine. They felt so right on mine, as if they were made for each other. Our lips moved in sync, sharing a sweet and passionate kiss, yet at the same time it was rough and hungry, both of us wanting.

"James stop," I sudenly whsiper, his lips escaping mine, and I instantly feel alone, wanting his touch back.

"Deli what's wrong?" He asks, his eyes filled with worry, and both of his hands holding mine.

"All of this is wrong, you have Rhiannon," I look at the floor as I say her name, letting my voice go cold.

"Not anymore," He lifts my chin up and smiles at me, making me grin at him like an idiot. He kisses me again, and I wrap my hands around his neck, and he picks me up spinning us around as we kiss. I giggle, enjoying the moment.

"Lila you okaii?" Daniel knocks on the door, making James and I freeze, he puts me down.

"Yeah, erm, fine!" I quickly answer.

"Let me in?" He asks, forgot I locked the door, well luckily.

"Okaii!" I shout. "James go!" I whisper and point at the window, he nods and opens it, and starts climbing down. Before he is all the way down, he leans up and kisses me on the lips once more. I smile and shut the window before opening the door for Daniel.

"Fancy a movie night again? Thought it'd cheer you up? Also got us some KFC!" He shouts like a little kid. I laugh at his childnessness and we make our way into his room.
How cute? ^.^ But is this right? Will they be able to keep this going without Daniel finding out?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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