Chapter 37: I Can't Do This To You

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(A/N: my own photo)

Delila's POV,

I woke up in the arms of James, who else could it be? I turn around so I'm facing him, and am met with his beautiful eyes.

"Morning," I whisper, kind of too afraid to speak. Everything was a mess yesterday! It's all my fault. I ruined James's one night, that wasn't supposed to happen.

"Morning beautiful," he smiles, his morning voice breaking. Bless him. He must hate me so much right now, I don't know how he can lie next to someone like me.

"That shirt is really baggy on you," he whispers into my ear. Oh god.

"James, I'm so sorry for last night I know I've ruined everything for you and-" he cuts me off by kissing me. His hand cups my cheek while his other supports him. I'm a bit taken back but soon relax into his arms.

"Don't apologise, I was just worried about you, I tried to run after you straight away but Rhiannon got her friends to block the way. The whole night was a disaster because of her. But if it makes you feel any better we won prom king and queen," he shrugs and point to the flowers in the vase and the crown next to it.

"Oh, really?" I'm taken back, every girl dreams of being a prom queen, but why me?

"You're beautiful," he tells me again and nibbles on my ear lobe, causing my lips to tremble from his actions. "And gorgeous, and stunning, and everything to me, and I don't know how long I can hold myself back with that underwear..." He trails off as he kisses my neck, causing me to lean my head back so he has greater access. He chuckles.

"You want me?" He asks and sucks on my sweet spot, making me moan his name in response.

"James, oh my, fuck, yes?" I don't know why he'd want me, I've ruined everything. "No, stop," I stop James and detach myself from him.

"I, what?" He looks confused.

"I can't. You must hate me deep inside, I don't care what you say, all I do is bring bad luck to you, I left you worried. What sort of a girlfriend does that? A fucking crap one!" I say tears streaming down my face. Sex was not the way to solve this, though it wasn't the worst option either, me going mad is that worse option.

"Delila stop," he tried to comfort me but I just shook him off.

"I can't do this to you, I just can't," I stand up grabbing a pair of his trackies and putting them on, tying my hair up with a hair band which was on my wrist all night.

"Can't do what Deli?" He looks upset as he stands up and walks closer to me. I back away until my back touches the wall. "Deli, baby you're scaring me," he reaches out and takes my hand. I don't respond to his touch, I stop myself from wanting it. I can't hurt him, he can do better and move on right? "Delila please," he begs.

What then came out of my mouth was something I regretted as soon as they left my mouth. But it was better. For James. Because I'm not dragging him down with me.

"I can't be with you, I can't do that to you, you're gorgeous, handsome, everything any girl wants! James you can do so much better," I cried out. I saw his eyes widen and tears form in them. I wanted to take it back, but I knew I couldn't.

"I don't want some slut, I don't want some other girl Deli, I want you! You're the one I want! Please don't do this!" He cried back, this is worse than I thought.

"You'll survive without me," I bite my trembling lip. "You'll soon forget me, I promise," I cup his cheek with my palm, and he leans into my touch. I'll miss every single thing about him, but I know this is what I need to do.

"Please," he begs once more. I connect my lips with his, a sigh escapes his lips and he pulls me closer to him. I cry and soon stop kissing him back.

"I'll see you around," I pecked his cheek one more time. The moment I leave the hotel room I burst into tears, this is so much harder than I expected it to be. I love James Yammouni, and this is the biggest mistake, but it's good for him.

James's POV,

She broke up with me.
I lost her.
I lost Delila, but I love her. This can't be happening. I decide to ring Skip.

"She's home," is the first thing he says when he picks up.

"Thank god," I quietly cry down the phone. 'Men don't cry' that's the biggest lie you've ever been told. We have feelings too, it's not bad.

"James, she told me everything. She's convinced you're better off without her, James she doesn't want you to come over, not even for filming." He says down the phone, crashing my heart even more. The moment Deli left I broke down.

"Oh," is all that I reply before I hang up. Rhiannon ruined everything, she has ruined my relationship, made the girl I wanted for so long leave me!
Update! Oh Delila you stupid:/
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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