Chapter 15: The Morning After

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Delila's POV,

I wake up and found myself locked in someone's arms and my head hurts. Shit. I got wasted, and I don't know where I am, or who it is next to me. I try to get out of their strong grip when he moved around and mumbles a few words. I swear he said my name, but I also swear that I've heard that voice before. Then I decide to look around the bedroom since I'm stuck in his arms. I look around and see dirty pig clothing, and a wall covered in photos of us. Of course, I'm at James's. Shit, did we do anything? I look down and see myself dressed in his shirt and I hear him chuckle.

"We didn't sleep together, although you were begging first becoming hard to resist," his husky morning voice was like the sweetest song to my ears.

"Thank god," I say aloud and look up at him, he seems to be hurt by what I've said.

"No I mean," I try to save what I said.

"Deli it's fine, I'd hate it if I woke up after being drunk in someone's apartment knowing I was stupid enough to have sex with them," he sadly smiles.

"But you're not just a someone," I say quietly looking into his eyes before I cuddle up to him.

"I know, but I wasn't going to take advantage of you Deli, I wanted to protect you more than anything. When you started dancing with that guy and grinding on him I was jealous I'm not going to lie, and somewhere deep down I wished it was me but when you were offering yourself to me yesterday evening I knew I couldn't take advantage of you." He strokes my arm up and down, giving me tingles and causing goosebumps to appear on my arms but I found it soothing.

"I appreciate what you've done, I honestly do." I trace my finger around the outline of his abs.

"You were doing that yesterday," he says.

"Doing what?" I question.

"Tracing your finger around what was supposed to be abs," he says and I look up to see him frowning, then as soon as he sees me he pouts then sends me a cheeky smile.

"Why did you decide to get fitter? Though there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with the way you looked, you looked cute," I smile at him, making sure I outlined 'nothing' well enough.

"It doesn't matter," he shrugs.

"It does to me James," I smile at him.

"It's stupid," he adds.

"It's not stupid to me," I argue back, he should know, he won't win this.

"Promise not to judge me?" He asks biting his lip. James please stop, you biting your lip is not helping right now. His morning hair was cute as, all messy and untouched.

"Since when do I judge?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Alright fine," he chuckles. "Ever since I've liked you, I thought you'd be ashamed to walk around with me, and with you being so beautiful I was afraid that you would reject me. So I decided to do something about it. Be a cool guy, get you to notice me more," he blushes.

"Awh James," I smile at him at look into his gorgeous brown eyes and realise the special spark in them. I saw his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips, and I let a small smile form on my lips before he leans down and connects our lips. It starts of with a peck or two, then our lips start to move in sync. He bites my lower lip lightly causing me to gasp, and let his tongue battle with mine. He was such a good kisser.
His right hand cups my cheek, and his fingers play with my ear lobe, massaging it. He sits up and I straddle him, letting my hands play with his hair at the back as I smile into the kiss. I grab hold of the chain he has around his neck and play with it between my fingers, not breaking the kiss for a moment.

"Deli stop," he breaks the kiss.

"Why?" I almost whimper. This is all I've wanted for a while now...

"Because you don't really want this..." He pauses and looks at me.

"How can you know that?" I ask him.

"Because I'm not good enough for you Deli, you're all I've ever wanted, I always wanted to be the one for you. The one who you go to, the one to protect you, the one who," I stop him mid sentence.

"James are you actually crazy?" I shake my head and bite my lip. "I've liked you ever since we were younger! I love everything about you! You are good enough for me, you're more than that!" I smile and kiss him, letting it get heated instantly, not regretting anything. He tugs on the shirt that he must of dressed me in and I lift my arms up and let him take it off me. He pauses for a moment and looks me up and down while biting his lip. I suddenly get insecure and look down myself. He places his index finger under my chin and lifts it up, making eye contact.

"You're beautiful," he whispered. I blush and connect my lips back to his. His hands travel up and down my back for a while before he unclips my bra and slid it down my arms and layed me down, trailing kissing along my jaw lines and to my collar bones, looking for my sweet spot.

"James," I moan as soon as he finds it and he looks up at me, smirking, sucking on it more surely to leave a love bite. He cups my right breast while he nibbles on my left nipple, making it almost impossible to keep my moans quiet. He then connects his warm lips back to mine, letting his fingers make their way to my lace panties. He breaks off the kiss and looks at me, while I just nod, letting him knows it's ok.
A wave of pleasure comes over me as he inserts a finger and then another, letting a small moan escape.

"You can be loud, no one is in," he winks making me melt as he inserts another finger.

"James," I moan his name again.

"Yesterday you told me how I'd like you moaning my name, and I do," he smirks before he lowers his head and removes his fingers and my undies, massaging my thighs. Soon, I feel his tongue inside of me, and he started eating away earning many moans from me.

"I'm gonna," I warn and James inserts in two fingers. "JAMES!" I moan and let it go. James pulls out his fingers and licks them.

"You taste good Deli," he winks. I sit up and take of his trousers before standing close to him. I connect my lips with his collar bone and start to suck on it, surely to leave a mark as well. I trail kisses down his torso then stop just above his boxers, tugging on them with my teeth.

"Deli don't tease me, I didn't either," he says in frustration. I can already see the bulge through his boxers. I slide them down slowly, letting his dick free.

"Bigger than Aaron's eh?" He raises an eye brown making me giggle and without a warning I took him all in my mouth.

"Holy fuck Delila!" He moans. Him moaning my name is one of the best things I've ever heard. I pick up the pace earning more moans and some cursing. I feel him twitch inside of my mouth and soon I feel his warm liquid in my mouth and swallow it.

"You're amazing Deli," he smirks and lowers me onto the bed before opening his bedside cabinet and bringing out a condom. I take it off of him and open it up, before sliding it up on his dick. He connects our mouths and hovers above me.

"Ready? We don't have to do this if you don't want-" I cut him off.

"James if I didn't want to I would of stopped you a long time ago," I smile at him. He winks and I nod and soon I feel him slide inside of me.

"Oh my gosh James!" I moan. He quickens the pace earning moans from both of us.

"Deli you're so tight, I love it!" He moans and connects his lips with my collar bones sucking on them.

"I'm close James!" I moan.

"Me too Deli, but look at me when you cum," he whispers. I do as he asks and release my juices. James does his last few thrusts before he cums too and we ride out our highs. He collapses on top of me for a while before he pulls out and lays next to me, pulling the douvet over us and letting my head rest on his chest.

"You were amazing Deli," he strokes my hair.

"So were you," I giggle and move my head for a quick kiss.

I just had sex with James Yammouni. Something I've wanted to do for a while, but the thing is, we're not even together.
Smut for you guys! Long update coz why the hell not! (Not been checked)
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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