Chapter 23: Rhiannon's Plan

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Rhiannon's POV,

"She hates him right now, but she was defending him all the way." Aaron sighs down the phone to me. I made sure everything was going to plan. I set up Aaron to walk closely home with Maggie. He wants her back and I want my James, we both get what we want as long as we do this together and it works.

"Well make sure she hates his guts yeah? I'll go and see James now," I snap and put the phone down. I go to my wardrobe and pick up a light blue mini summer dress and my light blue converse. I put my hair into a high pony tail and put on my red lipstick. I have to make this work, it's now or never.

"Daddy are you please giving me a lift?" I give puppy eyes.

"Where am I taking you darling? Dressed like that? Not doing anything you shouldn't be right?" He asks grabbing his keys to our black Land Rover.

"Daddy stop it, of course not!" I giggle and get into the car. The drive to James's isn't long, and soon I find myself knocking on his front door.

"James! Door!" I hear either his mum or Rita shout up to him. Soon the front door opens and Rita answers it.

"Rhiannon? What you doing here? We were expecting-" I cut her off.

"Delila? Well I just came to check up on James, to see if he is okaii," I do my best fake sweet smile.

"Awh well come in, he's in his room, you know where that is," She shrugs and lets me in. I quickly thank her before walking up the stairs and towards his door. I stop in front and hear sniffles, is he crying? I feel a sudden rush of guilt go through me, but I realize that now is my chance.

"James?" I say softly and open his door, to find him sitting on his bed, snuggled into his covers and crying.

"Y-You w-we-were right..." He whispers.

"What happened?" I shut the door and walk closer to him, sitting on the edge of his bed, but at the end, giving him a lot of space, for now.

"I ... I ... I lost it at him Rhiannon. He was sitting so close to her, almost hugging her, and then his arm went over her shoulder. I got so mad, she was letting it happen, I got so jealous, I couldn't help myself." He whispers. I feel even more guilty, he is broken, but now is my chance and I am going to take it not caring about that slag.

"James, it's not your fault," I say, getting up and sitting next to him, before pulling him into a hug. "She shouldn't of let it happen, it isn't your fault." I try to make it better, though let's be honest, I'm not the sort of person who should try and make someone feel okaii. Bitch, this is my idea.

"Why do you care so much for me?" He asks, snuggling into me, yes!

"Because I do James! I care about you! I've always liked you and I always will, it hurts like hell to see you with her, but you like her not me." I pull from the hug, sneakily putting my phone out and turning on the camera.

"Rhiannon..." He scratches the back of his neck. I look from his eyes to his lips, and before I know it our lips are connected, I quickly take the pictures before pulling away.

"Rhi I am so sorry!" He quickly apologises.

"No! I am sorry! You have a girlfriend, and I made the move." I pretend to take all the fault.

"No, it's my fault. I'm not thinking straight," He quickly says.

"How about a movie?" I suggest and he smiles at me.

"Sure, a friendly movie," He replies, it's a start. While he goes down to get some snacks I send the picture to Maggie.

Hey Delila, looks like you've lost your man. Shouldn't of pushed him away should you? Don't call him and keep away. Lots of love, Rhiannon.

"What did you choose?" He asks.

"Mean girls," I smirk.

Delila's POV,

I was sitting doing homework, not really being able to focus. I was thinking too much of James. I feel so bad for ignoring him. It's been a few hours. Maybe I should call him?

I get out of bed and turn on my phone, then sitting back on it. Right, contacts, J , James. I click his name and let my finger hover over his name. I press call. I put the phone up to my ear and nervously chew my lip, hoping that he actually picks up.

"Delila?" He sounds like he's been crying, and I instantly feel bad. What have I done? I see why he stormed out, I'd be mad if he was with Rhiannon. With that my phone buzzes and I get a text. I still haven't said a single word yet.

"Delila you there?" He asks. I look at the text, putting James on loud speak.

Hey Delila, looks like you've lost your man. Shouldn't of pushed him away should you? Don't call him and keep away. Lots of love, Rhiannon.

Then there's an attached photo of the two kissing.

"Delila don't call me and then not say anything, please, it's killing me, I need you." He whispers, I'm guessing his lips are trembling and he's about to cry.

"You need me!" I shout, tears streaming down my face. "You don't fucking need me at all! Having Rhiannon around as soon as I'm out of the picture for a little while? Kissing her? Let me guess, you two are cuddling right now?!" I shout.

"Deli, I, I'm sorry, it was a mistake!" He says.

"We need a break," I cry down the phone and hung up. This is not the way I pictured us to be.


James you stupid hoe...


Next update with 2+ chapters!

~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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