Chapter 21: She Wants James

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Delila's POV,

"Lila, you seen my white shirt anywhere?" Daniel shouts from the laundry room. I turn the hob down, I was making rice and chicken, because it's Sunday, and roast is too much effort.

"What your nice one?" I shout back.

"Jesus Lila! I'm behind you," He snaps.

"Sorry Daniel, and is it not on the sofa?" I quietly reply.

"Oh Delila, I didn't mean to snap, it's just I'm supposed to be taking Rikki out and-" I cut him off.

"So you're not here for lunch?" I ask disappointed. He sighs before he walks over and hugs me.

"I'm sorry Delila, invite James or someone over yeah?" He suggests.

"James is spending time with his family and the girls are busy, today was supposed to be our day Daniel, you knew that." I pull away from the hug and turn away from him, wiping my tear. "We never spend any time together anymore, what has changed?" I beg him to tell me.

"Lila nothing!" He says turning me around.

"I'm sorry okaii? I totally forgot about some stupid day that we hang out." He blurts out.
"Stupid day?" I scoff, "Do you really not care? Do I really not matter enough to you that you call it a stupid day? Is this pointless to you? A waste of your time? Because fine, forget it!" I turn of the hob not caring about the uncooked food.

"No! Delila I didn't mean that at all I just-" I cut him off again.

"Rikki is here for you," I said throwing his ironed (by me of course) white shirt. "Have fun." I bluntly say with no emotions in my voice before walking upstairs. I don't know why it bothers me so much, maybe because my own brother doesn't care?

I grab my phone and scroll down the contacts landing my finger on James's name. I click it then let my finger hover over the call icon. I think for a moment, and then it hits me. His mum and sister could be feeling exactly like me right now, if James decided to come and see me. I sigh before locking my phone and putting it on my bed.

I lay around for a while just thinking about nothing and everything. In the end, I decide to do homework and get ready for tomorrow.

"Delila!" Tamsin smiles at me when I meet her outside of the gates to out school. Kids were everywhere, and someone I've suddenly found them more immature than before.

"Tamsin!" I genuinely smile back at her embracing her into a hug. Tamsin and I walk over to the boys, Jess, Danielle and Rhiannon. Wait, Rhiannon?

"Hey," Tamsin smiles at everyone and goes to Beau. I just smile, deciding wether or not to go through the group to talk to James. Rhiannon was twirling her hair between her fingers and is laughing, well more like giggling, about something James has said.

"Go get him," Luke taps my shoulder.

"Nah, she can have him," I start walking away but Luke grabs my arm.

"Delila don't you dare walk away right now!" Luke warns me. "She can play tricks to mind, and, just go and get your man," Luke says with worry in his eyes. I slowly nod my head and walk over to James, and that Rhiannon, who is getting closer and closer every moment she gets.

"Morning Jemz," I smile and stand next to him.

"Deli!" He smiles, showing his pearly white teeth. He then does something neither I or Rhiannon were obviously expecting, but he leans down and connects his lips with mine. His soft, warm lips, on my cold ones. I smile into the kiss before he pulls away and pulls me into his chest.

"So, erm, James, you busy later?" She winks at him. How. Fucking. Dare. She?

"Sorry, I'm with Deli," James shrugs and we walk, may I say, FINGERS INTERTWINED, back to the group. I look back and see Rhiannon's mouth hung open, probably catching the flies that are looking for something to rest on. It was safe to say that I knew that James was serious about us, because if he can do all of this couple thing in school, then he has nothing to hide. I can't believe I got him, and I know one thing. I love him.

James's POV,
Rhiannon was flirting with me all the time, and I was only keeping up with the conversation because I'm too polite. I've been brought up that way. I'm not going to lie, I was so happy when Deli came, and didn't hesitate to kiss her on the lips right in front of Rhiannon, though, wouldn't you do the same?

"We have a new member in our English," Mr Thoroughgood got my attention. He was the 'fit' teacher of the school, as all the girls say. They don't get much done and flirt with him, though he is professional and tries to not retaliate to the girls.

"Miss Sahyounie has moved up class, Mr Sahyounie your sister is not in this class," He looks at Skip and smiles. (RIGHT! I KNOW DANIEL IS OLDER BUT JUST GO WITH IT, ALL THE BOYS ARE IN THIS CLASS)
"You finally got moved up? Away from that bitch?" Skip laughs, causing the whole class to along with Deli.

"Daniel, language that's my fellow english teacher you're talking about. But well done Delila, let's find you a seat." Mr Thoroughgood looks around. There was a seat next to Rhiannon and one next to me. I had Luke one side, then a spare seat, the Jai, Skip and Beau. I saw Delila shake her head when Mr Thoroughgood raised his eyebrow towards Rhiannon.

"Erm, why don't you keep the boys in control?" He chuckles and she nods, smiling at me as she sits down.

Rhiannon's POV,
They make me sick.Why James? You could do so much better. I have better looks, better personality, better popularity. OH I could go on! I'm going to find a way to split them apart...
Long update! Enjoy!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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