Chapter 5: The Way I Feel

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Delila's POV, (Pic of Delila on the side/top)

I get waken up to cold hands touching my cheeks.

"Fuck!" I shout and jump, rubbing my eyes and realising it was Rikki.

"Oh my god Rikki! You're home!" I scream and hug her, realising I'm only in my underwear and James's dirty pig tee.

"Who's tee is that then? I know it's not Daniels," she grinned at me.

"James's," I shyly replied. "He left it here the other day." I say without thinking. Rikki grinned at me. "Oh my god no, not like that!!" I feel myself blush.

"Course not!" Rikki smiled. She has beautifully green eyes and amazing red hair. She had a sun kissed skin from when she was in America.

"I've heard about you and Aaron," she looks at me, a frown forming on her lips.

"Rikki, don't tell Daniel, he'll go mental, I've been avoiding Aaron as much as I can," I tell she is worried about me way too much.

"I won't tell Skip, because I know you're being looked after now, you mean James, as in James Skip's friend?" She asks me.

"Is this an asking session? Coz I could easily bring some tea and biscuits!" I giggle and she joins in. "Yeah, I mean that James," I then shyly say. Why am I being so shy about it all? I mean, we're not together or anything, though sometimes I do think, what it would be like to date James. I mean, a guy like James!

"Girls? Can I come in? Is my sis dressed appropriatelly for my eyes?" Daniel knocks on the door, I laugh and go back under the douvet.

"Yeah bro come in," I shout for him to come in.

"My two favourite girls in one rooms, how you guys getting along?" He asks sitting next to Rikki, and hugging her from behind. She rests her head on his shoulder. I'm happy that Daniel has found someone as nice and as caring as Rikki.

"Awh, babes," Rikki smiles at me and winks.

"What do you want smelly?" I smirk at Daniel.

"So I compliment you and don't get a compliment back? I think that's a bit unfair my dear," Daniel pouts.

"Awh I love you really bro," I pause. "What are we doing today?" I ask.

"Well I have to go home, haven't been yet," Rikki says getting off of Daniel and pulling Daniel with her.

"We'll be filming later, you still up for filming it for me?" Daniel asks.

"Sure, Just shout me when you need me!" I smile and wave to Rikki.

As soon as they both leave I jump into my en suite and into the shower, washing my hair, body and brushing my teeth. When I get out I put a towel around my hair and body before walking into my walk in wardrobe. I put on my black set underwear and hang the towels, scanning the room and choosing what to wear. I go with my dirty pig tank top, a black high waisted skirt and some tights. I then add some bracelets and my hoop earings.
I chuck on some foundation then focus and do my eye liner on point, before adding mascara and some red lip gloss.

James's POV,

"Skip mate!" I say as we walk into his house, ready to film a new dare sundays.

"Hows you?" He invited us in, throwing us a can of beer each.

"Let's save these til after the dare? might make more sense," Luke suggests.

"True... save em boys!" Beau says and we head to the back garden. Tamsin and Delila are there talking and setting up the camera. She looks as beautiful as ever. Her long blonde hair which then turned to blue hang by her thighs, along with her short skirt and our tee. Her make up was on point, not that she needed it, because she was beautiful either way, with or without it.

"James, stop staring at her mate, if Skip catches you, you're dead meat." Jai nudges me. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I look at her and Tamsin one more time.

"It's all set boys!" Delila smiles and Tamsin hugs Beau, getting his full attention. She was like his drug, he needed her.

"Let's do this!" Skip says and we all get into our positions. Deli nods at us and we start.

"Hey guys we're the Janoskians-Dare Sundays!" We all disagree.

"Fuck, it's always me!" I roll my eyes, I always say Janoskians.

"Another fail video!" Jai and Luke shout together. Delila gigles at them.

"Right, 3...2...1... hey guys we're Dare Sundays and today... we're doing... the milk and redbull challenge!" We say in unison, well not really, but you get what I mean. (Video on the side/top)
We do the challenge and most of us throw up.
"Skip I need your advice kind of thing..." I say as we sit in his back garden drinking our beer.

"What's up bro?" He locks his phoen and gives me his full attention.

"Erm.. well I have this friend," I start, bullshit, no friend, I just need to know what he'd think. "And well, he likes my other friends sister, and would want to take her out on a date." I pause and look at Skip.

"Man tell him, that's so against the bro rules, he can't date that mate's sister, it's wrong and it'd be so uncomfortable, I can't imagine one of you boys dating my sister!" He chuckles towards the end, so I do as well.

One thing I know for sure, I can't date Deli, like ever. But that's not gonna stop me from liking her.
Sorry for such a big gap! I was feeling unwell!
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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