Chapter 33: Moving

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Delila's POV,

Waking up in the same bed as James, at his house. I don't even remember how we got here, I thought we ended up the night at mine?

"Morning babe," he kisses my bare shoulder.

"Morning, just a question, why am I here?" I ask, hoping I don't sound too bad.

"What, you complaining?" He turns me around gently so I can look into his beautiful eyes. His hair was messy, but still perfect!

"No! I just, well I though," I don't really know what to say.

"After pizza we all ended up going out, except I didn't want the alcohol mixing with your medication. But you still went for it and had a few, and the moment it mixed with your medication it wasn't the best sight. So I told Daniel I'd take you to mine," he smiles at me. He's so caring, I don't even deserve this guy!

"Thank you," I shyly smile, before connecting my lips with his. He kissed me back gently, as if he was afraid I'd fall apart, so I pull away and he looks at me confused.

"I'm fine James! Can you just kiss me normally? I know you just care and don't want to hurt me, but I want a proper kiss," I whine. He chuckles to himself before nodding, and once again connecting his lips with mine. This time the kiss was more powerful and full of passion. It's a kiss which says just how much he has missed my lips on his. It's a kiss which isn't careful, but almost forceful and full of lust, the side of James which I loved.

He gently squeezes my hips causing me to gasps, and he uses this as an option to slide his tongue in and let it battle with mine. Cheeky. I missed this, and being in hospital sucked. He wasn't really supposed to touch me, or sit on the bed. But that's over now anyway. I let my left hand tangle into the back of his hair, while with my right I trace down his bare torso. I could get used to this.

"Deli, babe," he breaks the kiss, making my lips tremble for more. "As much as I'd love a day of just you and I, you're moving across the road from me, and Daniel will be here in 10," he pouts.

"Fine, but this," I point between him and I, "isn't finished," I wink. He bites his lip, which is too attractive in itself, that I have to hold myself back.

"I brought one of your bags over, think it'll have something for you to wear," he left a quick kiss on my lips before pointing to the bag, then disappearing into the bathroom. What a babe.

I pick out some black skinny jeans and a white crop top. I put my long, untidy blonde and blue hair into a messy bun, not knowing what else to do with it. And I guess that today, I'm going make up less. Yay! Not...

"I'll get it?" I shout to James as he's in the shower, and make my way downstairs to let in whoever knocked. There stands a rather hangover looking Daniel.

"Oh god," escapes my lips before I even think about it.

"Morning to you too! Do I look that bad? I was going to see Rikki but didn't, came here instead because I didn't know how badly I actually looked," he sighs. I let him in and sit him in the kitchen.

"Coffee?" I suggest.

"Yeah, James not up? No hickeys visible are they?" Daniel smirks. I roll my eyes and fill the kettle with water, before getting up three mugs and putting the coffee beans into it.

"Funny! For your information nothing happened! And he's just in the shower, he'll be down in a bit," I casually reply.

"If you say so," he replies and I finish making the coffee.

"Oh hey Skip, the moving truck arrived yet?" James comes into the kitchen, thanks me for the coffee and sits with Daniel.

"Nah, it'll come at 10, which is in around 20 minutes," Daniel replies to him.

"And when do we get the keys?" I ask, sitting down next to James and sipping on my coffee.

"Well my dear Lila, keys, I already have," he smiles and shows them to me. He's got three copies of the same key.

"Oh my gosh! Can we go in and look now?" I ask, getting excited.

"You sound and look like a child on a Christmas morning!" James chuckles.

"Let's go then, you can choose the room you want and by then the moving truck and people will be there," Daniel finishes his coffee.

"Let's go!" I put on my converse and drag James and Daniel out of the house. "Which is it?" I ask, puzzled.

"The light green one," he points to the biggest one. My eyes widen and I look across the road before making my way there. The key fits perfectly. The garden had two tire swings hanging from an old looking tree.

As I opened the front door it looked gorgeous. It had most of the furniture, just the our own individual rooms were apparently plain. The kitchen was massive, with an island in a middle, and a table with 6 chairs around it as you entered. The living room was a gorgeous cream colour, with black leather sofas, a black coffee table and a flat screen TV. The next room I stumbled across was a music room. WHAT THE HELL! This is amazing! It was a sort of recording studio, much easier for me to record covers!

I walked up the stairs and something drew me to the end room, and when I opened the door, I saw why. The walls were a luxurious red colour, and the best thing of all, it had a balcony! It was into the road, which means it was facing James's house! This is the best. I ran down the stairs and jumped into Daniels arms.

"Thank you so so so so much!" I cry.

"Hey, we need this, mum isn't coming back, and I'm going to look after you. But tomorrow you do have to go in and do your exams, but you'll manage!" He hugs me before the moving men arrive. Time to unpack!

Sorry for a long time no update! Basically I've had massive writers block since I hardly get any replies from the readers :( I'll try to update soon, but I do have my exams so it's hard.
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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