Chapter 10: The Park

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Delila's POV,

"Skip, go maccas?" Tamsin nods her head towards the McDonalds that's just across the road.

"Why did you ask? Have I ever turned down maccas?" Daniel shakes his head at her and we all make our way to maccas. Everyone orders different things, but I'm not particularly hungry, so I just get myself a diet coke.

"Not hungry?" James asks, his dimple piercing catching my eye

"No, new dimple piercing bar thingy?" I ask.

"Love what you called it!" He winks and chuckles. "And yeah, got it earlier before I let you guys," he then says, digging into his food.

"Oh my God it's the janoskians!!!!" A girl screams, getting the whole of maccas to look at us, since she was pointing at the boys. Oh the fun.

"Hey girls," James smiles at them, and they take pictures with the few fans. I'm so happy for the boys, and how far they are going with their videos and how supportive their fan base is! One day they'll go touring the world! But right now, I'd like to spend time with them like we used to before they started YouTube.

"It was nice to talk to you all, but we have to get going," Beau starts, but the girls just start shouting. Beau mouths run and we all nod to each other.

James takes my hand and we make a dash for it. The fans start following us down the almost empty streets of Melbourne. It's crazy, and weird at the same time. Somehow, from being at the front, James and I are at the back of the group, then I realise why, I can't run fast.

"Just run James, I'll meet you!" I shout so he can hear me over the screaming fans. James shakes his head and stops in front of me.

"Jump!" He quickly shouts and bends down in front of me. I do as he says, and am now getting a piggy back from James Yammouni. The fans started screaming louder which caused me to smile.

After around 10 minutes of constant running, we have lost the fans. As James runs up to the group with me on his back, Daniel gives us a funny look, and I get down.

"That was mental!" Rikki giggled and kissed Daniel. Awh.

"I can't run, this was the worst thing ever for me!" I frown.

"Well James helped you out, be thankful!" Tamsin winks at me, I give her 'the look' and ignore her remark.

We walk for a while to get to the park, since we have just ran the opposite side of the actual park.

1 text from: Aaron
Hey, I saw you running and fans chasing you, you alright? A xx

1 text to: Aaron
Yeah I'm fine :) just not used to that sort of exercise! Thanks anyway xx

I reply to him out of politeness. Yet at the same time, the text had some sort of meaning, he still cares about me and I can't forget that.
As soon as we enter the park, Tamsin and I make a dash for the swings.

"That was so cute!" She quietly squeals.

"Shh!" I Shh her.

"Why aren't you two dating already again?" She asks after a moment of silence. I look at the boys and Rikki playing some footie.

"Because I don't think Daniel will approve, plus don't think he even likes me," I say then look back at her.

"Well one, he does like you Delila, and two, why not date secretly?" She suggests.

"Because, the fans could catch us, and once Daniel would find out it would upset him, I'm not doing that to him." I honestly say. I care about Daniel too much.

"You know, sometimes you should try to not listen what other people want or don't want, and just do what 'you' want!" She says then gets up and joins in with the footie.

It leaves me slowly swinging and thinking everything through. Maybe, if he does like me we should try to do something about it. But Daniel won't approve, and our sistery-brothery relation ship would be lacking on trust. I'm so deep in thought that I don't realise that someone joined me on the swings.

"You alright Deli?" He asks, his voice ringing through my ears, in a good way. His voice was somewhat soothing, and instantly made me happier. "Deli?" He waves his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry! I was just, erm, thinking about stuff," I smile at him and he strokes my cheek. Goosebumps raise on my arms and James chuckles.

"Stuff?" He smirks. I laugh at him shaking my head.

"Not 'that' sort of stuff James you dirty minded peasant!" I giggle.

"You're gonna regret calling me a peasant!" He says and gets off of his swings and runs towards me. I instantly jump off mine and make a dash for the gate and towards the tree. I'm not very fast, and James has caught up with me already, why can't I be faster?
He picks me up and spins me around.

"James put me down!!" I giggle.

"Not til you apologise!" He replies.

"Alright alright, I'm sorry for calling you a peasant!" I say and he lets me down. I wait a while. "Not!" I smirk and try to run for it, but he just pulls me in closer, our faces centimetres apart. I look into his eyes and can see the want. I leans up and kiss him, placing a soft kiss on his lips. I pull away and a smile is on both of our faces.

"Skip would kill you right now James..." Beau shakes his head, getting the football from the hedge.

"Beau you won't tell-" I get interrupted.

"Tell him? God no, I saw nothing," he winks and walks off. Thank god for that.

"Sorry," I look down avoiding his eye contact.

"What for? Beau won't tell and no one else saw, plus I liked it!" He smiles, making a smile spread on my face as well.

Tamsin's POV,
I was playing footie with the boys when I accidentally kicked the ball into the hedge.

"I'll go and get it," Beau rolls his eyes then sticks his tongue out at me playfully.
It takes him a while to come back, and when he does he gives the ball to Skip and takes me away from the group.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, he's being weird.

"You know about James and Delila?" He asks. Shit. What am I suppose to say? Well by the fact that he's asking me means he knows?

"Erm, yeah? But they're not dating or anything!" I quickly and quietly reply.

"Sure? Delila kissed him," he looks at Skip, who is hugging Rikki.

"It's fine Beau, leave them to it!" Is the only thing that I can think of.

"Leave them to it? You crazy?" He asks shocked.

"No, but they'll work it out," I shrug. There's a slight silence but then Beau reaches for my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Love you Tamsin," he smiles at me.

"Love you Beau," I smile back at him before feel his wanting lips on mine.
Our poster got shown on the camera things and water got sprayed on us! James kept looking over as well! I died okaii?!
What do you think? Should Delila and James do something about their relationship? Do you think Beau will keep it a secret?
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~ILoveYouBraddyBoy x

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