Cap. 13

57 4 0

"Member of twosetviolin died yesterday evening in a car accident"

"Eddy Chen, famous member of the duo twosetviolin deceased"

"Tragic loss: young youtuber died in a car accident"

It was almost impossible to find a single newspaper titled differently that morning. Many articles mentioned his young age, his amazing talent, some others the recent breakup with Katlin, but all of them condoled Brett.

Mrs. Brown: "James!"

She screamed entering the door of his office

Mr. Smith: "What a hurry Jenny, what's the matter?"

Mrs. Brown: "I guess you haven't read the newspaper yet"

Mr. Smith: "I've not gone on my coffee break already, so no, I haven't read it yet"

She outstretched her arm to put the grey paper on the desk. Mr. Smith leaned forward and took a glance at the title.

Mr. Smith: "Is that true?"

Mrs. Brown collapsed on a chair in front of him.

Mrs. Brown: "I'm afraid it is, I've been on the place of the accident and the photo corresponds"

Mr. Smith: "Brett already knows it?"

Mrs. Brown: "Wait, are you thinking of re-pairing him?"

Mr. Smith: "Why not? The resistance brought us away many agents, I don't wanna waste other occasions"

Mrs. Brown: "James...Brett has suffered enough, don't you think?"

Mr. Smith: "Oh look who decided to have feelings now! Remind me, who approved X gene with me 27 years ago? And remind me who helped me implant it?"

Mrs. Brown: "I'm only saying, that it will be pretty impossible to find someone to replace Eddy. Look at their fanbase: if you ask anyone, they will tell you that their friendship was like no other!"

Mr. Smith: "I never said it would be easy"

Mrs. Brown: "And I'm saying it is impossible"

Mr. Smith: "X gene was also considered impossible, but we demonstrated the contrary. Give him some months and then we will find another agent to pair him with"

Mrs. Brown: "You know that we only  have 10% of the original amount of agents left, right?"

Mr. Smith: "So?"

He said before opening his laptop. Mrs. Brown eyed him blankly at his last statement before standing up and walking slowly to the door.

Mrs. Brow: "Have a good day James"

Mr. Smith: "Yeah you too"

He responded without raising his gaze.


Eddy: "I have to admit it: it's pretty funny reading the newspapers"

Nat: "Yeah, it's the best part: living your funeral alive!"

Eddy folded the newspaper in his hands and placed it on top of the others on his desk. He took a sip of coffee and eyed Nat

Eddy: "Are you going to visit him today?"

Nat: "Yes, five minutes and I'll go check on him"

Eddy: "Good"

He said lowering his eyes on his lap like not wanting her to notice his sorrow

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