The Sword

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“Look over there Cyndaris, doesn’t Thranduil look good in his armor?” Madlyn, my younger sister asked. I quickly glanced in his direction, but he saw me and tried to hold my gaze with a light smile, but I blushed and looked away.

“Y-yeah I guess….”

“He’s so fond of you Cyndaris. I don’t see why you don’t show your affection back.” Madlyn urged. “I don’t know what you speak of Madlyn. He feels nothing and neither do I.” I replied, moving around the armory and picking up a light elven sword (picture at top) and putting it in my sheath.

Madlyn circled around me, blocking my path. “Don’t think I don’t know!” She said, her hair getting stuck on the dagger sheaths that were strapped on her back.
“Believe in what you want Madlyn, but I’m in no way going to agree.”

“Agree to what?” A low melodious voice sounded behind me. I froze as Madlyn’s smile widened. “Oh nothing my Prince,” she did a little bow, then looked at me,”I’ll meet up with you, I have to go find my bow!” She said, bouncing and doing a little wave as she bounded off.

I chuckled a little and shook my head, turning to face Thranduil. “Young elves and their beliefs.” I tried not to make eye contact with him and looked at my armor. “You know you are only 500 years apart? You make it sound like more.” He stated. A slight smile tugged on my lips, but quickly faded,”Still too young to fight in this war.”

“She will be fine Cyndaris, she can fend for herself, especially with a bow.” He tried to reassure me. “I know I just if something is going to happen, and I won’t be there to help.”

“You worry too much.” He said. “Thranduil!” I hear a faint voice call his name, looking up to see his father. “I must go, I will find you later.” He said starting to walk away. Promises I sighed. I then heard the horn calling for the guards to assemble, I quickly rushed for a bow and some arrows, then went out for war.

(Cyndaris POV) Present-


I hung my head low as we walked through the woods, I tried not to looked at the trees, or the elves, or the palace in the distance. I fought back the tears in my eyes, the memories were just too strong.


Luckily they had let me keep my hood over my head, covering my face. Please please please… I pleaded in my head.


You are going to be fine, Cyndaris.

I jumped a little by the voice, a little shocked.

Why has fate brought me back here Galadriel?

This is where you belong.

I am not wanted

This is what you think.

Silent tears fell, although no one saw as we were almost to the palace.

I know what is yet to come, It is your choice to accept it or not.

After a moment I reply.

I came here on a quest, I will leave to finish the quest.

And he will follow.


With that I stopped ‘speaking’ to The Lady of Light and looked up, focusing on the golden bridge of the Mirkwood Palace.

Nobody spoke, but I could hear rustling as the dwarves tested their luck on trying to get free. None succeeded. What I wish to be free now, I thought to myself.

One tear successfully slid down my cheek as the doors to the palace opened, and I felt a buzz on my side from my sword. It can still sense him. I thought.


I felt a sigh of relief as I didn’t recognize but a few of the Elves that walked the palace, and they were all paying attention to the dwarves anyways. Typical, if its not their kin, they don’t like them.

As we made it through the palace and to the dungeons the vibration of my sword got stronger.


The guard that stood next to me stopped in front of an empty cell and turned me around. I tried to block his hand from taking off my cloak, but to no avail. He looked a little shocked at my elven features, but continued to strip me of my weapons.

Right as my sword detached from me it stopped vibrating. I flexed my hands to keep calm, I heard Kili talking to one of the elves, but I didn’t care to eavesdrop. Soon the guard threw my weapons into the pile and I was put in the cell we had been standing outside.

Not soon after the elves and weapons were gone the dwarves started to bang on the doors. “Its not use. This is no orc dungeon.” I said loud enough for them to hear.

Balin continued my thought,”What the lass says is true, the cells are said to have magic on them. No way out except the keys.”

The rest of the dwarves groaned in response.


(General POV)-

Thranduil started to walk down the stairs as 3 of his guards and his son brought in the stack of weapons from the newly found prisoners. He saw many daggers and axes.

“The leader, Thorin had this.” Legolas said holding out Orcist.

“Interesting…” The King replied, lightly touching the rim of the blade. Thats when he saw a glint from the side of his elvish vision, he quickly turned towards the pile and bent down. With one swift motion he pulled out what he was looking for, and he felt a vibration. “Cyndaris.” He spoke with one word with such emotion, the sword vibrated with such force you could hear the buzzing.

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