Flashback Love

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Chapter 9-

Back at the King's Palace-

Thranduil slowly circled the orc Legolas had captured. Legolas held onto the back of his head and had a sword to its neck. "You were tracking a company of 13 dwarves and an elleth, why?"

"Not thirteen, not anymore. The youngest one, Black-haired archer. We stuck him with a morgul shaft." He stared at Tauriel. "Poisons in his blood. He'll be choking on it soon."

"Answer the question filth." Tauriel said, the orc spat something in Black Speech. trying to lean forward. Legolas held him back. Thranduil stood this his arms crossed behind him while Taurel brought out her dagger. "I would not antagonize her."

"You like killing things orc? You like death? Then let me give it to you!" She lunged forward but Thranduil's silken deep voice cut in,"Enough!" He shouted. She stopped right before the dagger went into the orc's neck. "Tauriel, leave!" He told her in elvish. "Go now." She stood. The orc hissed as she descended down the stairs with a disgusted look on her face.

"I do not care about one dead dwarf." Thranduil continued. "Answer the question. You have nothing to fear. Tell us what you know and I will set you free." He still stood behind him.

"You had orders to kill, Why? What is Thorin Oakenshield to you?" Legolas questioned.

"The dwarf runt will never be King." The orc spat.

"King? There is no King under the Mountain nor will there ever be." Legolas stated, Thranduil started to move into the orc's sight. "No one would dare enter Erebor for the dragon lives."

"You know nothing. Your world will burn."

"What are you talking about? Speak!" Legolas shook him.

"Time has come again. My master serves The One." Thranduil's face darkened. "Do you understand now Elfling? Death is upon you. The flames of war are upon you!"

Thranduil's hand moved with one slick motion to his sword. Before the orc knew his head was apart from his body. Legolas held the head. "Why did you do that?" He asked rolling his eyes. "You promised to set him free."

"And I did. I freed his wretched head from his miserable shoulders." Thranduil took his boot and held down the squirming orcs body till it was still. "There was more the orc could tell us."

"There was nothing more he could tell me." Thranduil turned sharply, sheathing his sword and starting to descend the stairs. "What did he mean the flames of war?" Legolas asked.

"It means they wish to unleash a weapon so great it will destroy all before it." The guards moved to take the orc body. "I want watch doubled! Nothing moves but I hear of it!" He turned back to Legolas who stood at the top of the stairs. "No one enters this kingdom. And no one Leaves."

He would see you in irons before risking the wrath of King Thranduil. Cyndaris ran that over and over in her head. Thats what Bard had told her about the Master of Lake-Town. That just means I have to stay away from him at all costs.

"You look like you've seen a ghost." Cyndaris told Thorin.

"He has." Dwalin said. "The last time we saw such a weapon a city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came. The day Smaug destroyed Dale. Girion, The Lord of the City rallied his bowmen to fire upon the beast. But the dragon's hide is tough. Tougher than the strongest armor. Only a Black Arrow fired from a Windlace could have pierced the dragon's hide. And few of those arrows were ever made. The store was running low when Girion made his last stand. Had the aim of men been true that day, things would have been different."

"You speak as if you were there." She said.

"All dwarves know the tale." Dwalin said. Cyndaris glance at Bard who had a grim look upon his features. "Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosed a scale under is left wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast." He put in.

"Thats a fairy's story lad, Nothing more." Dwalin said.

"You took our money, where are our weapons?"

"Wait here." Bard walked out of the home, Cyndaris went to the Kitchen to see the two daughters laughing. "And what would be so funny?" She asked. They were startled by her sudden appearance.

"We were just...We thought it was funny how short the dwarves are compared to you." Cyndaris smiled. "Yes they are quite short."

"Are you with the leader?" The younger one asked Cyn. "Thorin? Oh no no Not at all."

"Oh you must have someone special?" The older one asked. She smiled and shook her head. "No, I used to."

"Oh tell us please! Please!"

Cyndaris thought for a moment,"Alright..."


Cyn swung off her horse, patting its head and letting it graze. She was in the middle of the Greenwood, in a small clearing. Tree's swayed around her. She was wearing a light purple tunic and brown slacks. Her hair was in a braid, swung over her shoulder.

She screamed and giggled and two strong wrapped around her petite waist, spinning her around. "Put me down!" She yelled through giggles. She felt relief as her bare feet touched the ground. "You would look much better in a dress, love." A strong male voice sounded. "Are you saying I don't look good?"

"I didn't say that at all." He spun her around. "Or do I not look good enough for The Prince?" Cyndaris asked. Thranduil rolled his eyes. "Do I need to prove how good you look to me?" His hand slowly slid down Cyndaris' back...

She stopped him quickly,"Nope I believe you." Cyn could tell he was a little distracted by his own movements. "Don't make me run away." Cyn joked. "I would capture you..." He pulled her closer. "And you would have to punish me?" She asked grinning. "Oh, and I would love it much more than you."

"Oh lets test that then..." He clashed his lips against hers, backing her up into a tree. She put her arms around his neck and he ran his along her sides. "Bad thing about wearing a tunic-" He said through breaths. "Is I...can do this." He lifted her tunic up slowly and slipped his hand in, she shivered and moved her head sideways. "Cyn! Cyn!" A younger voice called out from where she had came. Cyndaris gasped and tried to get out from between Thranduil and the tree in which she couldnt. "Its Madlyn!" She told him, which made Thranduil let go.

A smaller elleth about the size of a 9 year old human came riding in on a pony. "Cyn! There you are!" She hopped down from the pony, seeing Thranduil she bowed. "My Prince."

"Lady Madlyn." Thranduil replied, automatically going back as if nothing had happened. He had a soft smile on his face.

Madlyn straightened and had a smile as well. "Sorry to interrupt. But they need you both back at the castle."

"And...why did they send you for us and not guards Mad?" Cyn asked. "Oh, they didn't. I just knew I would find you before them. And I did."

Cyndaris sighed and shook her head. She went to her horse. "Alright. Lets go. My Prince." She nodded and set off. 


So Cyndaris and Thranduil did have something before Shit hit the Fan. Interesting...~Shadexx

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