I Know.

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Chapter 15


Cyndaris's POV

"No, No!" I screamed, grabbing up Thranduil's discarded robe and wrapping it around my body. Thranduil sat up from the bed, the blanket falling down his bare torso. "Cyn...?" His voice coated in sleepiness. "No, no just....go back to bed Thrandy. I'm alright."

I tied the silk around my waist, running to the bathroom. "What did we do...." I ran my hands down my face, through my hair and splashed water into my eyes.

I hadn't noticed the movement from the other room before Thranduil's arms wrapped around my waist. "Thranduil, stop."

"Why?" His head laid on my shoulder,"You look nice in my robe..." He had wrapped the blanket around his waist. "Thranduil! We just broke one of the sacred Elven rules!"

"Don't worry we've done it once before..." He replied. I scoffed and pulled away from him, walking back to the bed and sitting down. "About that..."

"About what?" He asked, bending down to pick up his undershirt, putting it on.

"I think..I think there's something wrong. I started getting really sick after that day, and I....I've been eating more....I haven't went to the Healers because were only betrothed, I think Im Pregnant."

(Cyndaris POV)

We didn't speak, just stared. It seemed as if we were telling each other what we'd missed.

His eyes showed few emotions, pain, sadness, emptiness.

He held a half filled wine glass, and gray-ish gold robes that swept to the floor. Even though I hated to admit it, his appearance caught my breath every time.

"I didn't think you would actually agree to my terms." His rich voice entailed. My eyes narrowed,"Well you would have known if you had been the one to fetch me wouldn't you?" Even as I threw the remark, I couldn't look him in the eye.

He seemed to catch that.

"Those dwarves would have sent an arrow through my head as I approached."

"Those dwarves are my friends, and wouldn't it be better for all of us?" My voice lowered at the last part.

"Those dwarves were your employers, and which you have fulfilled your part. And I don't think you really mean that Cyndaris."

My mouth twitched as he said my name of that like he used to, back when....

I clenched my hands, my leather gloves churning.

The tent became silent once more as he studied my frustrated features.

"I have....requested you to offer you another, job of sorts."

Why word it like that? I know what you want.

"If not obvious by now, the whole Woodland Realm and soon half of Middle Earth will know your true Identity."

"By your doing."

He continued, ignoring my comment. "So you will probably need some sort of protection...safety....shelter?"

"Not...from...you." At this point my words were empty, the realization of what the situation I was in hit me square in the face.

He just grinned.

"And you obviously see my situation too Cyn. Legolas is my only heir and doesn't want the throne, Or previous situations still haven't went away. I am absent of wife-"

"You CAN NOT make me agree to these terms I-"

He swiftly stood and slammed a fist into the table, leaning closer. "You will do as I say because I KNOW you realize this situation you are stuck in Cyndaris, you are smart...and cunning. Which is why I am wary of the next part."

I had backed up a little, closing myself into the back of the tent as he followed me. "We will be staying here for the next several days to solve this...predicament of dwarves. I trust you to stay, or you will make my choices easier and their lives shorter."

I glanced at the flap that led out of the tent, saw 2 shadows and knew I could run fast enough to escape. But from where we stood, so close he saw my eyes flicker.

I was spun around and found myself on the ground, in between Thranduil's legs.

"There is one thing we will make clear here, darling. I Will Not, ever, lose you again."

(Lil Bitta Time Skip)

I was constantly in Thranduil's vision, a vision that used to be full of love, now cold.

Nothing much had happened between the Dwarves yet, so I kept telling myself the decision I made was right.

The only person I had to worry about was Bilbo, little did I know he was going to visit me soon.

"Ah, Thranduil." I turned abruptly towards the entrance of the tent, at the sound of the wizard's shout. "Oh good, The Wizard."

"Gandalf!" I breathed as he pushed his way in, when I spoke, his eyes lingered on me. "Cyndaris..." Our eyes locked momentarily before he nodded slightly, as If he understood my situation.

I gasped, as my breathing stood, I tried to let out a strangled plea but a screech came out instead, I fell sideways on to the ground.

My Mother stood, a weird aura glazed over her, she stood before what seemed to be an eye. I looked at the surroundings and saw The Two Wizards, Gandalf and Radagast. Elrond stood back, I was so delighted to see him. I tried to step out of the way as Radagast came straight towards me, riding on his sleigh of rustabell rabbits, taking a bloodied and drained Gandalf away. Sauron stood, holding his staff.

I watched as the eye drew back, and My Mother collapse.

My eyes opened slowly, letting my vision straighten before I tried to move.

I was alone in a tent, sitting on cloth bedding,"Woah." I stood, noticing my lack of weapons. "Thranduil." I suddenly enraged,"Of course."

I pushed through the make-village, up to his tent, the guards had been sent away, which was unusual. "Thranduil! Give me-"

As I pushed through the tent, I immediately stopped, out of instinct.

Bilbo stood in the middle, as Gandalf leaned on his staff, and Thranduil leaned up on his throne. Bard held the one thing most precious to Thorin at the moment.


"Bilbo!" I cried, running up to hug him. My eyes locked onto Thranduil's when I let go. "How did you escape?"

"Rope." He replied, smiling.

"If I knew it was that easy I might be joining you back in that mountain soon." I grinned, definitely grabbing Thranduil's attention. "Why do you bring this....gift?"

"Especially when its not yours to give." Bard butted in.

"I think we both know why, my elven friend." He replied,

I crouched down, taking his hand. "You are a wonderful person, Bilbo Baggins. A Thief, but a wonder hobbit." We touched foreheads,"You can't stay here they'll automatically know. Bilbo you have to go back."

"I know."

After sorting out the Arkenstone and the next steps in their plan, getting a few words in with Gandalf, and figuring out where my weapons were, everyone started to depart. Gandalf with Bilbo, Bard with his daughters and I was left with Thranduil.


Omg this is going slower than I thought...The story gets better after. BOTFA.


All rights to Tolkien and the owner of the pictures! I only own my added ideas!


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