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Chapter 10-

All the sudden I heard shouting from the dwarves. “We payed ye for weapons! Iron forged swords and axes!”

I ran into the room behind Bard. “You wont find better weapons outside the cities armory. All Iron forged weapons are held under lock and key.”

As the other dwarves were complaining, my elven ears picked up on the conversation between Thorin and Balin. “Thorin, why not take what is offered and go? I’ve made do with less, and so have you.”

My eyes followed Thorin as he walked around thinking,”I say we leave now.”

“Youre not going anywhere. There are spies watching the house.” Bard told us.

Immediately all the dwarves got hostile. “You must wait until nightfall.”

~Time Skip~

“I thought he said they were under lock and key!” I exclaimed as Thorin ordered the others out of the house. “Shh~ Yes! They are, But we found a window.”

I ducked down in the shadows with my hood up. Elven cloaks blend in.

“Cyn? Do you think you can get up there?” Kili asked pointing to the window. I nodded and glanced around to see if anyone was around.

I sprinted onto the railing and flipped up onto a balcony. I ran and jumped right through the window. I heard a couple of silent woots.

One by one the dwarves climbed each other and I pulled them up. “Kili are you alright?” I asked as he passed by me with a limp, carrying way too many swords the deemed fit for his health. “Yes, of course.” He stepped slowly down the stairs. I started to walk back when a loud crash echoed throughout the building.

I cringed as the door swings open to many guards, that held weapons to our necks.

I tugged and pulled to get away from the tight grasps of the Men. But soon they let go and showed me and the rest of the dwarves in front a giant building, more exquisite than most in this poor place.

Others started to gather around whispering about a prophecy, I glanced up to see a familiar face peeking out of a small door inside the larger one. “What is the meaning of this?” A voice boomed, the doors flung open and a very...big man stormed out. Carrying his weight in gold and robes.

I stood away from Thorin, knowing he would be addressed as well as the others, and The Master probably got word from Thranduil of my presence.

“We caught them stealing weapons sire.” A voice called, fainter since I was fading more and more into the crowd. All were caught in the presence of the dwarves, and the Master.

“Enemies of the state, eh?” The gruff voice called out, suspicion laced in his tone.

“Mercenaries if there ever was, sire.” The shorter man who had stopped Bard’s boat commented.

“Hold your tongues! You do not know of who you speak!”

Even If I was at the back of the fairly large crowd, I could hear Dwalin’s voice clearly.

“This is no common criminal. This is Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror!”

Silence sounded as my Elven eyes picked up Thorins small movements to confront the Master face to face.

“We are the dwarves of Erebor, and we have come to reclaim our homeland.” He started.

“I remember this town, in the great days of old. Fleets of boats lay at harbor. Filled with silks and fine gems. This was no forsaken town on the lake. This was the center of all trade in the north!”

I leaned against a wood post, my eyes closed nodding softly to Thorin’s speech of gold and treasure in the mountain.

“Death! Death is what you will bring upon us!”

My eyes shot opened as Bard’s voice sounded throughout the town square. I stared at the two as they fought, startling the townsfolk. I stood up straight as Thorin made his final statement.

“I speak to the Master of Laketown, Will you see the prophecy fulfilled? Will you share in the wealth of our people? What say you?”

I grimaced at the commanding tone of the dwarf I brought down so many times, knowing then I would have to do it again.

“I say unto you... Welcome!” The Master declared.

I stepped back into the shadows, knowing that was one step closer to the Vision.

I sadly stood and helped pack the boat for our trip. “Were one short, where is Bofur?”

“If he is not here, then he will be left behind.”

I slowly sat down, watching Fili and Kili. Kili was still limping, Thorin held a hand to his nephew’s chest. “Not you. We must travel at speed. You will slow us down.”

My heart sang in relief, thinking that if he did not go on the trip, he might survive after all.

But as most dwarves, Kili would not back down. “What are you talking about? Im coming with you!”

“Not now.” Thorin replied.

“Im going to be there when that door opens. When we first look upon the Halls of our Fathers, Thorin.” Kili insisted.

“Stay here, Rest. Join us when youre healed.” Thorin rebutled.

I looked to Fili as he stood to his uncle.

“Uncle, We grew up with tales of the mountain. Tales you told us. You can not take that away from him!”

“Fili…” Thorin started as Fili climbed out of the small boat and next to his brother. “Fili dont be a fool!”

“I belong with my brother.”

I stood and slowly climbed off the boat. “I will stay, I am trained in Elven Healing.”

“But you are not safe here.” Bilbo exclaimed.

“And I will be safe, mere feet away from a Dragon?” I asked as I made my place next to Fili.

We said our goodbyes.


I skipped a little dialogue because I guessed if you were reading this youve probably watched the movies and dont care to reread all of it. 
Soon in time shall I see you again Superstars ~Shadexx 

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