Not Enough Magic

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Chapter 12-

Bofur arrived moments after the boat set sail. "Did you miss the boat too?" He asked. I chuckled a bit.

"Kili!" Fili exclaimed. I turned to see Kili's pained expression, almost falling off the Box he was sitting upon. "We must get him aid." I bent down to grab Kili but as my hand made contact I started to zone out,"T-take him to Bard!" I blurted out before my sights changed into another time.

I was standing in to a boat, quite similar to the one Thorin took. But we were not moving. Kili stood a few feet away, hand in hand with my familiar elleth friend Tauriel. Legolas stood behind them. I scanned my surroundings, but did not see a town. All was burnt. Kili ran to the boat, and we started to paddle away toward The Lonely Mountain.

As my vision faded back to reality, I sucked in a deep breath. The dwarves were off, making their way to Bards. I turned when I heard hoof beats in the distance. Elves. My eyes grew wide," No, No!" I quickly ran after the dwarves.

You have managed to dodge him so far, Cyndaris, but not for long.

What do you wish to tell me, Mother?

I have to tell you, that those Elves are no threat. The real threat lies within these lands as well.

Do not tell me the orcs are still hunting?

You are too keen.

I grunted as I ran, our conversation fading. I knocked on the door, and Bard's eldest daughter opened it. "Cyn!" She exclaimed. I smiled at her and touched her shoulder in greeting. "Have the dwarves made it?"

She nodded and led me inside. Kili laid on the counter, which had been cleared, using a bag of chestnuts as a pillow. He was grunting in pain as they applied all different types of human medicine to him. "Where's Bofur?" I asked coming to Kili's side. "Hes out looking for a weed."


"Its a medicine weed."

I nodded, still confused. I sighed; "I am so sorry Kili, but I do not have much magic left in me. I can not help you."  

The others groaned in frustration.

"But, I know a friend thats coming who might be able to help."

Then a rumble sounded, that could only be one thing. "Dragon." I breathed.

"You should leave, go and get out of here!" Fili exclaimed to the bardsman.

"And go where?" He asked.

"Are we going to die da?" The little one asked.

"No darling." Bard replied with a smile.

"The dragon, its going to kill us." She insisted.

Bard turned, and grabbed something I had only heard in the stories. The last Black Arrow. "Not If I kill it first."

I smiled.

I paced back and forth, waiting. Bard had left with his son, and no sign of the elves I had heard. Bofur hadnt returned yet. There was a scream.  I automatically pulled out my sword as Bard's eldest ran in from the balcony, trying to pull the door close. The door opened too, and an orc walked in. Bifur threw potatoes at him.

The ceiling broke to an orc, and the screaming from Sigrid continued loudly as she lost her grip on the door. Kili tackled the one from the roof, and I swung my sword upon the orc that hurt Sigrid. Another fell from the roof, and Tilda threw a plate at it, and Bain pushed the bench onto it. Sigrid and Tilda hid under the table.

After I finished my orc by cutting its head clean off, three more took its place. Kili moved around Helpless and Scared. I quickly lunged at the Orc that knocked the table over, going for Bard's daughters. "No!" I screamed and kicked it to the floor, plunging my dagger into its head. I swung around as one attacked my back, but two elven dagger were already through its throat.

I sighed in relief as it fell to the ground, revealing my Auburn haired friend. We didn't have time to greet each other as we both attacked the threats.

I was taking out one as I was attacked by another, but right as I went to attack it, it wasnt there. "Legolas!" I exclaimed in excitement as the blonde elf stood with his bow. "Cyndaris." He replied.

Two more orcs came. Tauriel took out one, and Kili let out a scream. I whipped around and lunged at the orc that pulled at Kili's leg. Stabbing it with a dagger to the throat.

I helped Kili from falling as Tauriel and Legolas kept taking down the enemy.

I watched as Kili grabbed a knife and plunged it into the orc, saving Tauriel. But he soon fell in pain.

There was loud Black Speech, and in seconds there were no orcs left in the house.

"You killed them!" Bain exclaimed.

"There are others, Tauriel, come." Legolas started to walk from the house, but Tauriel did not move. I rested a hand on her shoulder. "I will go My Prince." I said for her, bounding out after him.

There were few on our way out of the town. "Go." Legolas commanded me as he stopped unexpectedly. "What? No, I will not leave you." I insisted. "Not even a Mirkwood elleth, but still as loyal as ever." He pulled out his sword. "Get ready." He warned me. So I pulled out mine.

He slowly moved forward, and I followed. There before us stood a rather large orc, he seemed to be the one in charge.

When he spotted us he growled, and 3 orcs came out and attacked. Not much challenge. That was until I was the only one getting attacked. They seemed to be trying to get me out of the way, so no help would come to Legolas as he faced the massive orc.

I dodged and killed and pludged but the line of orcs never seemed to be ending. I glanced to see Legolas getting thrown around, and I swung to get to him. I only got one hit in, distracting the orc from Legolas, so he could recover.

And the orcs were gone. "Legolas!" I exclaimed, pointing as he picked up his sword. "I will go." He jumped the bridge, I grimaced as a loud roar was heard overhead. I must get back! I started to run back, keeping an eye on the flying black shadow in the clouds.

All rights to Tolkien and the owner of the pictures! I only own my added ideas!


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