What I Had.

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Chapter 14-

I stood at the gate, watching as the dwarves built a makeshift wall. Thorin shouted commands. "The people of Laketown have nothing! They came to us in need they have lost everything." Kili said.

"Do not speak to me of losing everything, I know their hardships well enough."

Why do kings 'not want you to speak' to them about something? How come they all say it? I thought to myself as I watched. "You know I could be of help, right Thorin?" I asked him as he walked by. "Are you trying to prove something to Thranduil of not letting ME help? You saw the way he treated me when we were there, he does not care for me."

"You will not help." He kept walking.

I stopped slowly as I came across a familiar looking box. I looked around to see if anyone was around before opening the lid. The box was filled with the precious jewels a certain King wanted very much. This is what he will come for, more precious to him than me. I sighed, and started to reach of it before loud laughter was heard behind me. "I know a certain elven King who would pay a pretty price for these."

I nodded. "Oh how I wish to wear them, just to see his stunned face as the traitor pranced around in his precious jewels."

Thorin laughed. "You realize, that what im doing is only to ensure the safety of the Arkenstone? I wish no harm upon our relationship, Cyndaris."

"Yeah well, there have been many times in the past day I have wanted to knock you in the mud once more." I grinned and turned to him.

He had a grin as well. "If we make it out here alive, do you think we should melt these?" He asked. I laughed.

"Thorin!" Dwalin called. "We have company."

As Thorin turned I grabbed his higher arm,"Wait Thorin, I must ask something of you."

He faced me once more and nodded for me to state my claim. "If The Elven King does come, do not give him these gems. It is the only thing I ask of you is he does not get what he wishes. It will do us all good."

Thorin, who had stopped smiling and turned cold once more, crossed his arms. "It has come to my attention, that he might ask for you, Cyndaris."

I sucked in my breath,"Yes. That too."

"I do not want you to help, for if he does get his hands on you once more, I would not want to add to the debt of helping us you have, he will surely use it against you." Thorin states, clasping his hands together.

"Helping you is worth any punishment he might dawn upon my being." I smiled,"Now, lets go deal with the likes of Elves and Men."

I sat on piled up rubble, watching as Thorin interacted closer with Bard. Anything to not see the golden glint of Elven armor and steel, standing in perfect sync. One large Stag beast trotting along the edges, its Blonde rider observing his troops.

My name, thank Starlight, had not come up yet, only The Men's needs and wants. Which was plenty to annoy Thorin.

I looked at all the other dwarves surrounding me, seeing they were awaiting just as nervously as I was.

"....And of course, you know what The Elven King wants." Came the sentence.

I hitched my breath and my eyes darted back to Thorin, whose head turned to the side to me. "He wants his wretched jewels."

"He wants his jewels, and his betrothed." Bard added.

My head sunk into my hands with the word,'Betrothed.'

That had been hundreds of years ago, in truth it was never really broken. But he got married and had a son! That had to count for something.

"She is not his!"

"By law and right of her parents he does, and if he doesn't get what he wants, that armed host will attack."

(Bilbo's POV)

We all watched the mysterious She-Elf. She had slowly removed her hands and was looking directly at Kili and Fili, like she knew something we didn't.

"Don't worry Thorin, I will go. The gems will stay. It will give you another day or two for...them." Her voice got lower at the last part,"And I hope to see Gandalf."

"Cyndaris! You cant!" I pleaded, her silver eyes darted to me, in a look that silenced.

"I command you, you will not leave this Kingdom!" Thorin's voice rasped.

"I am not yours to command anymore, the contract is fulfilled. And now I belong once again to... Mirkwood."

(Third Person POV)

Cyndaris walked, one gloved hand wrapped around the leather strap of Bard's horse, the other swinging by her side.
"My daughters don't stop talking about your tales, My Lady. They say what you had was perfect." Bard piped up.

"What I had. Its all gone, and my life, which never seems to end has nothing in it. The dwarves were the only thing that gave me hope." She replied.

"I am deeply sorry." He mumbled. No one spoke after that. Cyndaris just stared at Dale as it inched closer and closer towards the two. She examined all the gold armored elves around the outside, making guesses on how many there were.

"I hope you realize soon enough that he is just here to get what he wants, and when he has it, he won't help any of you. It's all just for him. He'll get up and leave at the face of battle. I was there once, when he commanded his army to turn around. I didn't understand how he didn't have the heart to help." Cyndaris states, Bard was a little taken aback from her sudden outburst. But it was more as if she confirmed his suspicions than surprised him.

"Do you really wish to go back, Cyn?" He asked after a while.

"Yes." She replied, being truthful. "Why is that?"

"Im the only one that can knock sense through his blonde skull."

"I don't think anyone has the power to do that Cyndaris." Bard replied.

"Ive done it before, I can do it again."

(Cyndaris POV)

I let out a small breath as the two elven guard took my weapons. "Precaution." They said. From what? Like I could stab him, he probably wouldnt even flinch. Besides, my greatest weapon against him they cannot take.

My boots crunched against the newly fallen snow as I made my way to the big tent that obviously had the luxuries of a King.

As the two guards moved to open the tent I waved a hand to stop them. "I think I can open a tent flap thank you."

I stepped forward, leaving light footsteps in the snow, and pushed forward.

All rights to Tolkien and the owner of the pictures! I only own my added ideas!


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